How Much do purebred French Bulldogs usually Cost?

Q: How much do purebred French bulldogs usually cost?
I think that French bulldogs are adorable and I am thinking about getting one. I don’t want to get it from a puppy mill. I would like a private breeder that takes good care of their animals. If you have this info on French Bulldogs I would love it.
french bulldog newborn puppy in owner's handfrench bulldog newborn puppy in owner's hand
Photo Credit: Life Lenses/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by K80
They can be pretty pricey, but the prices vary. Like other bulldogs, they come with several health issues (and believe me, those vet bills add up), so keep that in mind when considering adding a Frenchy to your family. Whatever you do, avoid purchasing from a backyard breeder (particularly off Craigslist where scams are rampant, and out of the local newspaper). With dogs that already come with a lot of genetic health issues, the last you want to do is shell out $ 1K and end up with a dog with a handful of expensive health problems.

Good breeders usually don't advertise, so ask your vet if they know anyone who breeds French Bulldogs. The best way to avoid unexpected health problems AND to keep adoption prices low is to adopt from a rescue group, which on average adopts dogs out for about $ 300-$ 500.

Answer by T M
I paid $ 2700 for a French Bulldog and she came with a mandatory spay contract… Reputable and ethical breeders generally charge upwards of $ 2500 for French Bulldogs and it's not unheard of to pay $ 3000 – $ 3500 for a male, and from $ 3500 to $ 5000 for a female… The better breeders keep their best show prospects to further their lines and responsible breeders will always provide a limited registration with a mandatory spay/neuter contract unless a buyer intends to show the dog in conformation…

Dogs that are obtained for lower prices come from puppy mills or backyard breeders… It's genuinely like playing roulette with your money… There's a slim chance you could wind up with a seemingly healthy dog… There's a likelihood you'll wind up with a poorly-bred dog that is riddled with allergies, suffers luxating patellas or osteo / spinal problems, and a whole host of different ailments that cost thousands of dollars in veterinary bills…

I see more poorly bred French Bulldogs these days than genuinely great looking and healthy dogs…

Answer by Tori
We did extensive research to find a French bulldog from a reputable breeder, who breeds for betterment of the breed, not for $$$. We went through the French Bulldog Club of America and AKC to find breeders who have opened themselves up to inspection, and monitoring… Etc. because of all of the health problems many of these breeders will subject their studs & bitches to genetic testing to make sure they do not breed any dogs prone to problems. They will only breed them 1-2 times a year ( usually through artificial insemination, because physically it is difficult for them, but they try) and 80-90% of their litters require being delivered via c-section, and a lot of the mothers have a hard time instinctually whelping their own litters due to this so the breeders end up bottle feeding and giving them the care they would need. We think the least expensive puppy from these breeders we saw was about $1800.

Photo Credit: br1dotcom/Flickr CC

The puppy we found, from a breeder we got to know & trusted charges $2500 per puppy, we saw the most common range was $2000-3000, for a pet, tack on 1-2k if you want breeding rights. Any we saw priced over $3k (up to 6-7!) were fad colors or from puppy sale sites that ship puppies to whoever pays. They won’t breed for fad colors (blue, chocolate, etc) and they won’t sell a puppy to just anyone. At first it seemed insane to spend this on a puppy, but after considering what it takes to raise a litter, and the care they may require after going home to a new family they really charge so much to cover their costs & make sure the owners really want the breed for their qualities and are aware of what comes with it.

Most litters only produce 1-4 puppies and every once in a while but less commonly 5-6. An emergent c-section can cost over $3000, without any other associated costs for studs, vet visits, food, shelter, health testing… And tons and tons of time. So they aren’t for everyone, but I would rather do my research & pay more, or go without than support a puppy mill or a backyard breeder- we previously we tricked by a “backyard” breeder and it was a very difficult situation! Oh, and make sure your breeder has you sign a contract and guarantees the puppy's health for at least 1-2 years.

Our little Elvis came home at 10 weeks with most of his shots and had been checked by a vet 2x already & had started housebreaking. He also came with a spay/neuter contract basically saying you would have puppy fixed by 1 yr old.

Answer by w0lf
well if its papered and registered- around 450$ -1000$ (some are like 2000$ )
if it's not papered I've seen them as low as 300$ that's just in my area so IDK about you. just search around and find some good ones.

Answer by cupcakexxx
Around 1,000 I've looked into French Bulldogs, myself being a brand new pet owner, and I came to the conclusion, that I should adopt a dog from a local dog pound. And I did. Giving a dog a life that he may not have normally had. You know all the french Bulldog puppies are going to be sold. Why not look for a Frenchie in a pound around you?

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