How Much can I Sell purebred No Papers Pit Bull Puppies for?

pit bull lover: How much can I sell purebred Pit bull puppies for with no papers?
I don't have papers on my 2 purebred Pit bulls. They had puppies, how much should I sell them for?
Two purebred Pit Bull puppies on owner's handsTwo purebred Pit Bull puppies on owner's hands
Photo Credit: MrVJTod/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Liza
I believe that it's all in how you treat your dog, any breed or mixed breed. I have been raising gottie Pitts for a while now, she has had 4 litters. I have the mom and dad and now 2 puppies from this litter in December 19-2017. I have people wanting the remainders. I sell them without papers wormed and shots for $300.00. I know about this breed. They are great dogs. Very smart. Loving. Like I's all about how you raise them.

Answer by ninjaaa!
How do you know they are purebred if you don't have papers for them? Your breeder told you? If your breeder tells you that your dog is purebred without showing you his or her pedigree and the registration papers of your dog's parents, that breeder is an irresponsible breeder. Likewise, if you sell these pups as purebred dogs when you don't have papers on their parents or a pedigree, you are an irresponsible breeder.

Basically: If they don't have papers, you can't prove that they are purebred. If you can't prove they are purebred, you have to sell them as mutts. Not more than $ 100 per pup.
If you were irresponsible enough to bring these pups into the world, then at least start being responsible now.

Each puppy sold should be sold as a mixed breed dog and not a purebred. If you can get hold of an AKC registration form and a correct, signed pedigree for each pup, you can sell them as purebreds. A health record of immunization and parasite control, as well as a feeding regimen, should be written out and also verbally explained to every buyer.

Answer by Angel
Sounds like someone spent their life dreading pure Breeds and is scared to lose money to someone who just loves their unpapered dogs. Sell the pups for whatever u can sell them for as long as it’s a good Home and responsible future owner. If u don’t want to pay that much for his pups then don’t buy em. Cute pups btw.

Answer by Anonymous
I love how people reach out for help and so many people like to put them down. They just had a question don't be harsh. Puppies are adorable and if a person is willing to pay more then 100 for it means they will take care of it. I would never sell a puppy or buy for less than 250. Whether they are papered or not. Let's stop being rude to each other and let's start encouraging to be good owner s. You don't have to get your dog fixed if you can watch them that's true. If you have no control and keep having pups then maybe think about it.. and for the pits in shelters. that's the owner's fault, not the dog. They are not mean. Or have problems with children that's a lie. I resured a 3-year male brindle pit mix. He was perfect and loving to my children. Remember world lets make this a better place .?

Answer by lilpitbullLover
not everyone has the money for papers or like what happened to my pit during birth they die so how would you get papers on a pit showing full breed if they are dead…. ? Oh wait you can't so stop being ignorant about it. Mine was a Tennessee red nose pit, for all those who do not know what that is, it is a pit that is not commonly bred, and when they are they are hard to come by.

You can sell them for more than $150 a pup if the person is willing to buy them and these "pit bulls" that the shelters get are not full breeds they are mixed and have aggression problems or problems with children because of abuse or lack of care etc. maybe instead of staying on here all the time and saying this or that go to a vet and get the right answers.
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