How much can I Sell my Unregistered Pit Bull Puppies for?

LaVita Harju: How much can I sell my Pit Bull puppies for if they are not registered?
The mom and dad are both full blood American Pit Bull Terriers but they have no papers. I don't know what price to ask for these pups when they are old enough to sell. I will be providing first shots/exams for the pups.
Pit bull puppies for sale on owner's handsPit bull puppies for sale on owner's hands
Photo Credit: MrVJTod/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:

Answer by honey
$50 or $100. Without papers hell naw 300. -800. It is the pitbull price where I'm from.

Answer by Katrina
In my area pitbulls with no papers go for 600-1000, I got lucky and got a discount for buying two (1 for the in laws) so paid 400 each, and 250 for my mix, which is cheap.
Lately mixes in my area are going for 400+

I'll be breeding 1 litter, after that everyone's getting fixed, and ill be charging approx 600 a puppy. The added up cost of the litter base price, will be about 2.5k. they will have 2 rounds of shots, and go home with a puppy package, both parents have been dnaed tested and genetic tested, and I feed premium food.
There's lots that factor in what the cost should be :)

Answer by Mr Harris
Unregistered Purebred APBTs are only sold to novices who don’t know what they’re really looking for. Unless you are an experienced dogman & dealing with another experienced dogman & know-how that man’s dogs are bred, is it ok to sell non-stop APBTs. JMO

Answer by Ace Ellsworth
People are stupid. How is anyone going to tell me what my pups are worth? You don’t tell me what to sell my used car for. Give me what I want or get to steppin. Pits are a great family dog. Have a girl that’s a prego now. I don't need someone to tell me my dog is a purebred. Mine will go for $150 to $1000. It depends on at what age they get them and how much work I have to put into them……. Oh, and for the right people, I would give them the dog….

My price is about who buys the dog. Make someone pay $500 and they sure as shit won’t fight it, kill it, or abuse it….. You sell a dog for $50 and that’s what the dog is worth. The dogs worth who you sell it to. Don’t care what kind of dog it is…. Papers don’t mean anything.

Answer by Ulric Rhodes
I own 2 blues and they are the best pets I have had for my kids to be around. The breed as a whole has been given a bad rap for years, but, quiet as kept, they are the original “nanny” dogs. It’s in the dog's nature to be a caring, outgoing, kid loving, family pet. I sold my last litter for $200 per pup and she had 10 pups. In February she is going to breed again. The pups might go for a little more this time. My time, energy and money dictate the price as well as the parents of the litter. That’s my opinion. Be safe people.

Answer by KaD
Every year two-thirds of the nearly MILLION pit bulls that are euthanized yearly are OWNER surrendered, and probably not because they're 'such great dogs'. Why aren't the people who claim to love this breed screaming for the most common form of BSL, mandatory spay and neuter?

Answer by catanne
Yes in shelters Pitts are killed (as adults). Most Pit Bulls are killed because they were received as adults and yes, an adult Pitt is a risk to buy and have no emotional ties and devotion to any new owner. So there are chances for fearful reactions to any new owner. This is why a PB is best sought after as a puppy and raised. A PB is much like a human being. You raise ‘em right and get a well socialized productive human being, or you abuse and neglect the human being and watch them grow up to commit acts that bring anguish to anyone around.


No one usually adopts an adult human being or a teenager who has been drug through the filth with no guidance and protection from love. Usually, a baby with a clean slate is adopted, so your point is crude and unrealistic. Yes, your point is a point of view, but narrow. Any pet is most desirable as a pup. 150.00 to 250.00 for an unregistered pit bull puppy is a good price if the bloodline is known and trusted without papers. With papers, on a deal, 400.00 to 450.00 is a common price.

Answer by Kidd emcee
My boxer/pit puppies, unregistered, without shots sold for $250 each, and $500 for my last male (I only had 2 males in a litter of 10). I was honest with the buyers about EVERYTHING and since I couldn't afford to get all 10 puppies their shots, I NEVER let them outside (couldn't chance them getting Parvo). Ppl respected how I cared for them and the only reason I charged $250 was to recoup my's expensive af taking care of twelve dogs!!!

People will pay for what they want. Don't take less than you're comfortable with. No one in my city wanted one but I listed the pups on Craigslist and ppl from all over came to get the puppies! The person who paid $500 also drove 6 hours to get the pup...Ijs. $250 sounds like a lot, but you're selling a living breathing animal that should live at least ten years...

Answer by Pitlover
Wow, you people are hating on a person who clearly loves their dog! You want to hate on pit owners! Screw you man. How about the labs and aggressive Labradoodles. They are the most overbred dogs there are. I’m the proud owner of two pits, both from champion lines. Nothing wrong with breeding your dog. Just do it responsibly, and don’t use your dog as a cash crop. Selective breeding to ensure the breed is kept strong is a good thing. You have to treat adopting your pits like adopting out kids. Interview the prospective adopter, or buyer, whatever you want to call them.

I have interviewed every single person who has gotten a dog for me and I have their names and numbers still. I never get anyone to get a pup if I don’t like them! Also if my dogs don’t like em there’s something wrong with that person. Pits are the best dogs period for a family. You just have to train them right, like any dog. I don’t see you people ragging on the people who own lab kennels, or golden retrievers, or German shepherds. I would trust a pit over all these breeds.

Advice to you on price, start out at 200, that will weed out people who can’t afford to feed a pit properly, or to buy a kennel. Don’t “adopt” to anyone you get a bad feeling about. Not one of my dogs has ever been in a pound or abandoned.make sure the home they are going to is the best possible.

Answer by whatchuknowboutdat
I have a man in my area who sells his unregistered pit bull puppies for $ 100 but some people may sell for more $ $ $ ...
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