How Much and What does a Siberian Husky Eat a Day?

Q: How much does a Siberian Husky eat a day and what does it eat?
I'm planning on getting a Siberian Husky. How much do they eat a day and what do they eat? What is Siberian Husky feeding chart?
siberian husky eatingsiberian husky eating
Photo Credit: JSF539/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Phil
White meat, fish, olive oil, vegetable & bananas mixed with organic dry dog food with Vit E based preservatives), mix it all up and you have a nice diet. Amount well ….. depends on the weight and metabolism of your Husky. Some 40 kg. dogs will eat four cups, some have higher energy requirements and eat more …. some have quick/better metabolism and break down the food better and eat less. Get the average for the weight and then work it by ear. Feed 3 times a day and no later than 8 pm, dependent if the dog sleeps during the night, if he does and you feed him later he might end up being obese.

Answer by BunnuvaSitch
All dogs should be fed high-quality dog food and should be fed an amount according to their weight, not their breed.

Answer by Diane
Don’t overfeed your Husky! I do a fast with mine a couple times a month. Not a total fast, she still gets one apple and one carrot or other treats and looks at me like I’m retarded. But it lets her know I’m the boss. Walk your husky! Don’t let your husky walk you! Switch up your walks and find places that they are safe to run. A better dog I’ve never had. Gentle with elders, children, quiet, stubborn but that said so loving!

Answer by john n
I feed my dogs 2 to 3 meals a day and my husky is a big strong guy and at almost 10 yrs old he weighs 110 and is in pretty good shape. I give him meat in the am and at noon a sandwich with meat or peanut butter and at night they have whatever I cook for the family. they have 2 bowls up and down and the dry food and fresh water are always available.i also give them rawhides and dental bones for their teeth. Walking daily or taking our dogs for a good run is important to keep the weight down and it keeps the muscles and blood moving so be sure to have plenty of play and exercise every day.

Answer by ashleymh2009
Its all based on their weight. I have a 1 yr old Siberian husky fed Pedigree. Not the best dog food, but she has such a sensitive stomach if we change it she stops eating. anyways, I feed her 2-4 cups a day as directed on the back of the bag. but don't get a husky based on what or how much they eat. do your research!!!! their gorgeous dogs but need ALOT of work! honestly, if I wasn't a stay at home wife I don't think we could have managed her because she is a high maintenance breed and needs a lot more than your average dog.

Most popular dog food on Amazon (#ad):

Siberian Huskies are pretty big shedders so have good grooming brushes and get him used to clipping the nails and getting rid of the excess hair since it comes out in clumps and it seems like they shed non stop all yr at times lol.
My big guy likes the cool weather and snow and he is a house dog and he doesn't like the hot sun and only goes out to do his jobs then back in again on warm days so make sure he has plenty of shade in the summer.

Huskies are a great family pet and a good guard dog so with the right training and lots of love and good food ur dog should be a great companion for many yrs. good luck
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