How Long will a 10-month-old Cane Corso Continue to Grow?

Reprobate Knucklehead: How long will a Cane Corso continue to grow?
My bro's Cane Corso is a monster, and only 10 months old! It's as big as his teenagers! She's cute and silly and all, but DAMN!
When will this beast stop growing?

Cane Corso in a Halloween costumeCane Corso in a Halloween costume
Photo Credit: appliedvitals/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Melanie J
Larger dogs tend to fully mature by 2-3 years old. Generally, the dog will grow upwards til somewhere between 12 and 18 months and then fill out between 18 months and 2 years old.

Answer by GoldfishPond
According to their growth chart, Cane Corsos stop growing around age two and an average of 100 pounds as an adult.

Cane Corso dog videoCane Corso dog video
Meet Cane Corso Dog Video

Answer by Ashy Bashy ψ
Cane Corso’s grow rapidly until they’re a year old, and then for the next 6 months, they will continue to slowly* grow in height, and then grow in width until they are 2 years old… After that, they may continue to gain a few pounds but nothing noticeable.

My female Cane Corso is a year old, she’s very tall but hasn’t packed on weight width-wise yet. I can already see her beginning to though.

CC’s are VERY slow growers after the first year, so it won’t be too noticeable.

There is only one breed, Cane Corso, AKA Italian Mastiff… But within that breed, you have several different styles that breeders are striving to produce, which is why one CaneCorsoo may look very different from the next in the face and snout area… All builds should be the same though.
It can get confusing, there’s A LOT of politics about the breed.

They’re my favorite :]

Answer by Dani
I believe the weight/height of your pup will really depend on genetics, ie: mom and dad. My Cane Corso is 9 months and already 103lbs. We recently went to the vet and he is very healthy, not overweight and the vet seems to think he probably has another 100 lbs to go. So he’s not done growing for the most part. His dad was very big weighing in at 205lbs, and very tall (not sure about the exact height). Mom weighed 165 and was very tall as well. So, like I said it really depends on the pup's genes. I love the fact he’s going to be huge!!! He’s a big teddy bear, at least with my son and I. However, he’s not so nice with strangers despite being socialized and well-trained.

Answer by Rick Perry
I have a 7 1/2-month-old female and she is about 25 inches and 97 pounds! We knew she was going to be big when we met the parents at the breeder. Dad was about 160 and mom was about 140!

Answer by Busteramy7
My last Cain coral male was 215 lbs at the vet when standing up on back legs was taller than me at 5'11 vet said technically he was overweight but was just insanely large for his breed and was in the best shape he had ever seen in this breed. I now have a pup who will be 18 months on the 11th of this month he is right at 24 inches and about 140 to 145 now they were/Are both beautiful beasts

Answer by Jack
All these 140lb+ Cane Corso’s people are describing aren’t even true Cane Corso’s, they’re overweight bloodlines that only exist in America for people who want a big dog for their ego. These dogs described at 145-200lb don’t fall under AKC standard and are WAY off of European standard which is where they’re from. The true European Cane Corso doesn’t get above 110lb’s or 26 inches for fully mature males, because it’s based on the job Cane Corso’s are bred for, while the American standard is non-working and bred for looks. These 160lb+ Corso’s are just sad because they can’t move like the 110lb Corso. Corso’s were never that large until Americans started breeding them. How big your Corso gets depends on what the breeder bred for. Size, or function.

Answer by BlackShadowCaneCorso
Usually, after a year they won't get much more in the way of height but they will start to fill out. Some lines are slow to fill out and may take up to 2 years and some are fast and will be done by 18 months to 2 years. So you could have a few more months of growth yet.

Answer by Ferdi
My CaneCorsoo is now 80lbs at 10 months and 25inches. Dad is 150 and 30inches but mom is 25inches and 93lbs.

Two questions.
1, How much taller, if any, will she be at 12 months and guestimate on weight.
2. Final guestimate on height and weight?
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