How Long it Takes for a Shih Tzu Puppy’s Fur to Grow Out?

 Q: How long does it take for a Shih Tzu puppy’s fur to grow out?
I recently had my 4-month-old Shih Tzu puppy groomed, and the groomer did not follow my instructions! My fluffy puppy now looks like a Chihuahua! I’m so upset! He is still adorable but doesn’t look even look like the same puppy. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? Help! Thanks!!
Shih Tzu groomingShih Tzu grooming
Photo Credit: angela n./Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by sophylakes
well, if you brought the dog to the groomer at 4 months old, they surely assumed you wanted it clipped… because a Shih Tzu pup could have easily been bathed by you at home, they ARE small, and surely you groomed its coat, so there were no mats, etc.. no it is a waiting game.

Answer by Catherine A
It is perfectly acceptable to take a Shih-Tzu puppy to the groomer. It is best to accustom the dog to grooming at an early age.

Shih-Tzus need to have the fur around their private parts and the fur in the pads of their feet trimmed regularly. Shih-Tzus also need to have fur plucked from the ears, and it is easier to get a professional to do this.

Anyway, to answer the question, I'd expect your baby to look like a fluff ball again in about three months. The Shih-Tzu's fur grows FAST!

I'm sorry that your groomer was such a moron.

Answer by LG
Sorry to say, you’ll just have to wait until he naturally grows it back. It could be up to a year. In the meantime, keep him on a diet rich in oils to help his skin and comb him every day. Good luck!

Answer by Valerie A Gilbert
I am on my second Shih Tzu, my first passed away. If you brush there hair daily feed them a good brand of food there hair will grow or should grow at a rate of half-inch a month. Luckily I’ve gone to the same groomer for 12 years he knows and listens to what I want for all 3 of my dogs only 1 is a Shih Tzu. You need to find and stick with 1 groomer and not bounce your Furbabies around.

Answer by Dora
Shih Tzu is a breed that needs regular grooming. 4-6 months is a good time to start doing it because at that age the hair changes from the puppy’s to the adult’s. Usually, the hair grows 1,5-2 cm per month. Some breeders claim that only a clean hair can grow so take good care of your Shih Tzu :)

Popular Shih Tzu products on Amazon (#ad):

Answer by it's me again
I have a Shih Tzu of my own and he is a year and a half. I shave him myself all the time low especially in the summer because of the humidity I imagine that it could get uncomfortable. However, it only takes about a month give or take a week for him to grow at least 3 inches of fur back.

I have noticed that it is not what you bathe your dog in that contributes to his fur growing but more of what you feed him. If his diet is nutritional and not full of fatty people foods then his fur will grow back with no problem and healthier.

Answer by pug girl
6 month

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Answer by !!!!k1r3n1@!!!
sorry, but I guess u have to way to that Shih Tzu beauty fur grow back.. maybe in 4 months or maybe not…
that’s sad because I'm a groomer and I know sometimes we don’t remember how the clients want to have their dog, but there are too many ways to find out.

that's irresponsibility.. write in the appointment book how the clients want
I mean come on there too many ways…
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