How Long does it take to get AKC Dog Papers?

Panda: How long does it take to get AKC papers for your dog?
I got my dog from a breeder, and I've had her for about 3 weeks already, the lady said that she already sent in for the AKC papers (sorry I don't exactly know what's involved in getting those papers) and would mail them to us when she received them, but she still claims to not have she pulling my leg? or does it really take that long?

Answers and Views:

Answer by Yo LO!
It usually takes about a month.
Once you get them from the breeder, you'll have to send them back to AKC to get yourself registered as the owner, which will take another month or so...

AKC puppy on girl's handsAKC puppy on girl's hands
Photo Credit: CC

Answer by Pam
On average 3-4 wks. The breeder should have had these papers before placing any of the pups because the papers should GO WITH each pup. The new owners are supposed to individually register each pup.

Ask her for the litter registration #. If she cannot provide that, she hasn't even registered the litter. If that's the case, there is NOTHING you can do, but maybe hound her CONSTANTLY or take her to small claims court. State Attorney's Office loves Fraud issues….. if she claimed AKC registered and cannot produce such paperwork….. If you bought the pup from another state…….Intrastate Fraud is a Class A FELONY.

Answer by torbaynewfs
NEVER leave the breeder without the papers. Good breeders send the paperwork in when the puppies are 3-4 weeks old so they have it for the puppy buyers.
Sounds BAD to me!!!!! Bet you don't have a contract either. Do you at least have a bill of sale that states what you paid and that it was an AKC registered pup?????

Nowadays you can register the litter online and get the paperwork back in about a week. No excuses for breeders anymore!!!!!!

Answer by greg brown
Well I got a puppy and I still not have her paper yet and the guy I got her from he tells me it will take up to a year for them…… and I just got done calling him he is tell me it will 4 more mouths to get them up to a year. I had her now 9mouths now still no papers.

Answer by me
I got mine in about 4 weeks. But a friend got hers in 6 weeks. But I would never get a dog unless they have the papers. When we bought our dogs we always got the papers at the same time as the dog. That is the one of the oldest tricks in the book. They charge a registered price for unregistered dogs and claim they don't have the papers. and when you call they haven't come yet and they figure eventually you will give up. But if I were you, I would call AKC and if they can help you out. And see if they can even tell you if that person is actually a breeder or not. Cuz I would hate for you to get ripped off. Good luck. I hope you get those papers. If you don't I would press charges.

Answer by SC
I don't see any reason there would not be papers with the puppy when the puppy was sold.
I did mistakenly buy a puppy from a breeder one time and the papers were 'on the way'. Needless to say the papers never arrived. Lesson learned.
My last puppy came with papers when I took her home. I then sent in the paperwork to register me as the new owner of record.

Answer by chihuahua lady
I would give it another week and see if she comes thru with the papers. Really it shoud not take that long. Sometimes a breeder will promise papers and never come thru with them. Really they have from the time the pups are born until the time they sell them which should be at least 8 weeks. That is plenty of time to register a litter and get the application forms back.

Answer by mcnatt c
There you go my friend,you have been taken.Never buy a dog without the papers good breeders will have the papers upon the sale.AKC is informed within a day or two of the birth so the papers are available at the time of adoption.You probally will never get a paper.Ask people on this site if they ever had contact with this Breeder then maybe together you can get something done.Otherwise lesson learned papers are suppose to leave with the buyer at the time of the sale never 3 weeks later.

Answer by jframeisu
It takes about 6-8 weeks to get the papers after the sale. But after that, you can register the dog online. That process is pretty quick.
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