How Long are English Bulldogs Pregnant For?

softball_but_im_not_a_softy_!!!!: how long are englishbull dogs pregnant for?
We are planning on getting my 1 to 2 year old bulldog pregnant. Im extremely anxious. How long will she stay prego for?

English Bulldog female with a puppyEnglish Bulldog female with a puppy
Photo Credit: Robotic Nerve/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Sarah S
63 days on average from time of breeding. Just remember because of there large heads English Bulldogs are not natural whelpers and require a c-section which is very costly were taking a few thousand so be prepared for that.

Answer by Mark
Normally, you breed an English Bulldog female on her third cycle (after she is one year and eight months old). The pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks, depending on the dog, and the number of her pregnancies (first – longer, second – quicker).

Answer by Johnny- Cornelius&#0
63-65 days give or take. Also, do you know that this dog will likely need a C- section? I hope you have the money to pay for that. But then again it will be much cheaper to spay the dog then to go through the hassle of delivery

Answer by Wolf Femme
Firstly — you don't even know the minimum age for a dog to be able to have a healthy litter of pups without mental damage to herself.
Secondly — get her registered, get her some titles, and get her health tests done [no, not "oh, she's been to the vet and they said she was fine for breeding"].
Third — get a breeding mentor and learn from them before you breed.
Fourth — if you don't want to do all of that, you have no place breeding your dog. it will likely result in both your dogs' and her pups' deaths.

Answer by Jose
Wow… The nerve of ppl to give this person such a hard time for asking…. At least this person is doing the f'ing research… All breeders were rookies at one point…. Stop acting like its a gods gift to know how to breed.

Breeder’s Bible: Book of the Bitch: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Caring for Bitches by J.M.Eavans & Kay White

Answer by Deona Wilson
I have 2 English Bulldogs myself, and my 2-year-old female is 63 days pregnant today. We choose not to show her, due to the fact that I have children who are actively involved in sports and academics, and I myself hold a full-time job as well as a real estate license. Just because a person chooses not to show their dogs, does NOT mean they don't have genetic clearances and/or should not be bred. You should get off your high horse and quit being such an elitist.

Answer by CNW
I totally agree if you don’t ask questions how will you learn? And also all those curse words are not necessary!! Just saying !!

Answer by Usa
English Bulldogs are pregnant for 63-65 days.
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