How does the temperament change in a grown St. Bernard compared with a puppy?

AlbertaBoy: Question About St. Bernards?
What is the minimum to maximum number of puppies per St. Bernard litter?

Also, how does the temperament change in a grown St. Bernard, compared with a puppy St. Bernard? Apart from the obvious; I mean St. Bernards' temperaments particularly.

Answers and Views:

Answer by LegallyBrunette0
St. Bernard Temperment:

Saint Bernards are extremely gentle and friendly and very tolerant of children. Slow moving, patient, and obedient. Extremely loyal, this breed wants to please. Since this dog is so giant, be sure to socialize it very well at a young age with other people. It is highly intelligent and easy to train, however training should begin early, while the dog is still a manageable size. Teach this dog not to jump on humans starting at puppyhood. Bear in mind that an unruly dog of this size presents a problem for even a strong adult if it is to be exercised in public areas on a leash, so take control from the onset. The Saint Bernard is a good watchdog. Even its size is a good deterrent. They drool after they drink or eat. Be sure you remain the dog's pack leader. Dogs want nothing more than to know what is expected of them and the St Bernard is no exception. Allowing a dog of this size and magnitude to be unruly can be dangerous, and shows poor ownership skills.

Answer by cody
ive seen a wolfhound healthfully give birht to 12 pups and a mini pinscer give birth to 1
theres always execptions to averages
as for st. bernards they tend to be lazy as adults and rowdy as puppies

Answer by Loki my springer!
The St Bernard will give the average litter of around four pups. There have been times where that number has in fact, been reached and passed but most Saints will not have past six in one go. Of course.. ALL puppies are naturally playful, even when it comes to the laziest of all, St Bernards.

Just as with any dog and aging, you can expect rising levels of dominance, sometimes aggression and even that little bit more Independence. As a Saint ages they tend to take a while to reach that mature adult stage. "Puppy hood" can last for up to around 2-3 YEARS in some dogs.

The St Bernard breed in particular is very loyal, loving and great clowns at times. You can expect a lot of joy when owning such dog. And I'm telling you's well worth the DROOL.

Answer by jeff
the first st Bernard I owned had 15 puppys don't know what the max is on them but it isn't 6

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