How do you Get a Doberman to Gain Weight?

Q: How can I get my Doberman to gain weight?
My purebred Doberman is 2 1/2 years old and he looks skinny. He only weighs 65lbs. You can see his ribs and he seems so small. I feed him once a day. I used to feed him twice a day but that didn't help either. How to fatten up my Doberman? What is the best dog food for Doberman to gain weight?

doberman pinscher on the grassdoberman pinscher on the grass
Photo Credit: pato_garza/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by buick
It's ok to see his ribs. If you can see hip bones, then you need to start worrying. In any case, go back to twice daily feedings and increase the portions a little. If the ribs are really sticking out THAT far, all he needs is 3 or 4 more pounds to smooth it out.

Answer by Ariana P
Increase his amount of food and feed him twice a day ( it seems to make them more satisfied). If you are exercising him a lot maybe he is burning up more than he is taking in. Most active dogs NEED more than what is written on the label of their food. Also, check your dog food and make sure it is a good dog food to gain weight.
The ingredients should read:
1) 1st ingredients should be REAL meat, vegetables, rice, anything basically that we would eat ( but use common sense, no Chocolate, etc.)
2) Corn, wheat, and by-products should be LOW on the list ( at least 4-5th)

Feed him carrots, apples, and other veggies/fruits for treats. This helps their coat AND it might have him gain weight.
If he still doesn't gain weight, lower his exercise level ( but still get some exercise in) and if it still persists I would call the vet and get an appointment.
Hope he's ok


He may just be on the small size for the Doberman breed while 65 lbs is a bit on the small side for a male it is not extremely small. (Remember this is not supposed to be an overly large breed, unfortunately, some BYB just breed them far too large. )

You didn't mention his height (at the top of the shoulder) if he is on the short side for a male then he is probably at a good weight. At proper weight, you should be able to see his ribs a bit especially while he is moving or stretched out laying down.

Talk to your vet and see if he/she feels your Dobie is underweight. If so I would recommend the satin balls recipe. Also on a side note, you should be feeding 2 meals a day regardless of his weight. Because they are a deep-chested breed Dobies are prone to bloat so they shouldn't be fed 2 smaller meals instead of one larger meal to reduce the risk.

Answer by Responsible pug bre
A male Doberman needs to be about 90 pounds, You need to feed him more, 2 times a day or more...

Answer by Julie d
A male Doberman does NOT have to weigh 90 lbs. His size would have to do with genetics, bone structure, height, etc. There is NO weight standard for a Doberman...only a standard for height.
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