How do I Train my Pit Bull Puppy to be Friendly?

Melvin N: How do I train my pitbull puppy to grow up to be friendly and not aggressive?
I rescued a 2-month-old pitbull. any tips so it could be friendly like a golden retriever?
Affectionate pit bull licking his ownerAffectionate pit bull licking his owner
Photo Credit: maplegirlie/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by ♥Hockey
Raise your puppy well and it will be like any other dog.
Pits are Beautifull!!!

Answer by leo Hoover
The best thing for a pit to learn to walk is a pinch collar. They learn really fast and will only have to wear it in the pinch position a couple of times then just flip it inside out after that to remind them. I've done this with 4 of my staffs an all have been awesome dogs that live people an ignore other dogs.

Pitt Bull waits for Ice cream videoPitt Bull waits for Ice cream video
VIDEO: Polite Pit Bull waits in line for an ice cream

Answer by durdenslabs
Pit bulls are very human friendly.  It's how they are bred.  If you treat them nicely, socialize them properly, and aren't aggressive towards them you'll have a normal/friendly dog. As the pup grows up, it may become aggressive towards other dogs.  Pits have a high prey drive and smaller dogs and cats are considered prey and get attacked.  Larger dogs are more of an "adversary" to a pit since pits are known for their dog aggression.

If you want a great family dog that will guard you and you don't have other dogs you'll be fine. If you expect this dog to get along with other animals, you may need to find him a different home that can meet his needs.

Answer by anthony
If you are having trouble walking Meeka and she wants to jump on people on the beach and bark then you should practice walking her in front of your house when there are other people walking by. If she still barks and tries to jump on people get one sheet of newspaper, roll that up and every time she tries to jump on a person hit her on her butt. And the same thing goes for when she barks at people or tries to bite them hit her gentle on the nose and if Meeka doesn`t stop hit her a little bit harder. Promise me she`ll stop barking at people and stop trying to jump on them, it worked for my pitbull, his name is Hercules. Also, don't be afraid to hit them, they are pit bulls, they`re tuff and they could take hits. You could hit them as hard as you want if they`re misbehaving and they wouldn't feel anything, they`ll act like nothing happened but they`ll calm down.

Answer by Sarah
I own 2 American Pit Bull Terriers. These dogs have bred to be nice to humans, in the past, a human-aggressive pitbull dog was culled immediately. The main problems with these dogs are food/toy aggression and dog-dog aggression. Raise the puppy with lots of love and bring him/her around lots of other people and pets! My male pit is 8 months old and as sweet as honey, my female is almost 3 months old and is spunky, but absolutely LOVES people! Keep their enthusiasm for meeting new people/animals up at all times and you'll be in the clear!

BLAME THE DEED NOT THE BREED!!!! Pitbulls are wonderful family dogs when raised with love and training, just like every other breed of the dog!!
Good luck with your pup!
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