How do I teach my German Shepherd to hunt with me?

Ryan T: What Are some ways to teach my German Shepherd to hunt with me?
I am getting a german shepherd in a couple of weeks. I understand german shepherds need to feel a sense of purpose and i do a lot of small game hunting (like squirrels rabbits quail etc). What are some ways that i can train my dog to track them.
german shepherd hunting photogerman shepherd hunting photo
Photo Credit: laura271GSD1/Flickr CC

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Answer by aussiegenes
GSDs are one of the most versatile breeds around. They can hunt and do it well – that's how police K9s track and capture suspects. This is hunting behavior. Unlike the hounds, though, they trail silently so you can't follow the sound of baying. A lot of sporting goods stores sell hunting hound bells that clip onto the collar so you can hear where the dog is.

I am not into killing things, but my Australian shepherd is the perfect assistant for my "camera hunting". He points birds and small animals as well as any bird dog (actually, I've even watched coyotes point and other coyotes "honor" the point).

The herding group as a whole does tend to be very sound shy, so you'd have to make a firm connection in his mind that loud sounds mean play and food. Most GSDs are natural retrievers, though they do not have soft mouths – that would have to be taught to avoid receiving mangled critters. It can be done.

Answer by Daylan
I raised my gs Ranger from birth. I taught him to hunt by making a big game about it. Get excited when you shoot one and let him think it's a prize. Say the name of the animal over and over. I guarantee that beautiful man's best friend will excel beyond what you think. I used that same technique to teach my German shepherd and pitbull to sniff out narcotice...firearms and ammunition....people. they hunt squirrels rabbits and he will track deer and run em to my tree stand. You can bet on it like the sun.

Answer by patriottruck
Best and easiest way is to buy a book that teaches you how to train that certain breed of dog for certain activities… Depending on how old the dog is the more likely the dog will learn anything or not. Best to start out as young as possible.

Answer by JA12
There are very specific techniques for training a dog to track. First of all, you need to discover if your dog as a "nose", after that, find yourself a trainer who can teach you to teach the dog to track.

If you are going to shooting game, then you also need to desensitize your dog to gunfire, otherwise he will just panic and run. Again, don't try this yourself, find someone experience in training gun dogs and learn from them. Some dogs will always be gun-shy, so don't expect miracles.

Answer by Susan B
German Shepherds are not hunting dogs! They are herding dogs and used for protection. But hunting is not their thing.

Answer by gsd lover in reply to Susan B
Lies. My GSD frequently hunts rabbits and squirrels with me.
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