How do I Stop my Golden Retriever Puppy from Nipping?

ROSE D: How to stop a puppy nipping?
My Golden Retriever puppy likes to nip a lot, how do I stop him?

Golden Retriever puppy nipping owner's fingerGolden Retriever puppy nipping owner's finger
Photo Credit: JunCTionS/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Lucy
I was told to yell NO really loud in their face every time they try. The deeper the voice you use the better.
It worked for me with both my dogs.

Answer by jebagomes
Give your golden puppy something else to chew on he is still teething so he doesn't really get the difference between your fingers or toys good luck

Answer by erok2020
spray it with a squirt gun. Water is a good tool in helping cats and dogs behave! Just squirt them when they misbehave - but do not speak when squirting. They may associate your voice with punishment or negativity.

Answer by Musicman
A stentorian NO! Followed by an appropriate chew toy. Praise him when he chews on the toy.

Answer by Bellababe
If he's just nipping a little bit, then yelp and say no. but if he starts biting harder, grab the back of the neck, shake a bit, and growl. this is what the mother would do to the pups when they get out of control.

Answer by markos m
You just tell him in dog language that it is not nice to nip, he'll stop immediately his annoying nipping.

Answer by Shadow's Melon
Your golden retriever puppy sees you as a litter playmate and simply needs to be taught that biting people is not appropriate. It is totally NORMAL for puppies to bite in play and for the record, it's NOT aggression of any kind. The puppy also doesn't know that the biting hurts you, so you have to teach puppy this. There are two methods you can use to stop this.

1-When the puppy bites at you, gently grab the scruff of the back of his neck, shake lightly and say "No Bite". This is the same method a mother dog uses to discipline her puppies and will get your puppy's attention. Mom did this to your puppy and you are communicating with your puppy in a way puppy understands. When your puppy relaxes in your scruff grip, this is a sign of submission and is what you want to happen. Then praise the puppy for the good behavior. It's also a good idea to offer the puppy acceptable things to bite such as a toy and of course, never use your hands as THE toy.

2-When puppy nips at you, let out a high pitched "ouch" or "ow, ow, ow" in a yelp sounding tone (like a puppy would do). This is the way your puppy's litter mates let the puppy know the bite was too hard. The puppy will begin to reduce the pressure of the bite using this method and eventually stop biting all together.

You have to be very consistent and never let the biting slide without addressing it or you will send mixed signals and confuse your puppy. I used a combination of these methods to address the "nipping" in our puppy and it worked great for us.

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