How do I Stop my Boxer from Chewing when I am Not Home?

bostonblonde79: How do I stop my Boxer from chewing when I am not home?
I have a wonderful one-year-old female Boxer who hates it when I leave for work every day. When I come home for lunch every day on occasion I will find items destroyed and/or chewed by her and her hundreds of toys are neatly in her box. I assume she is venting because I had to leave her at home alone, but I can't quit my job and I don't want to cage her. How can I get her to stop being destructive?
Boxer dog lying on a floor with guilty eyesBoxer dog lying on a floor with guilty eyes
Photo Credit: maria alejandra<3/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:

Answer by John M
Keep her in a crate. They like to be in a crate when you are not home, it makes them feel secure and lessens anxieties.

Answer by Toby X
I know you don't want to crate your wonderful Boxer, but it sounds like you need to. As many others have said, you don't want your dog to get into something that might kill her. Crating will not make the situation worse. However, make sure your boxer gets plenty of exercises when you are home.

For those who have said exercise your dog as much as possible before you leave and she will be tired and sleep while you are gone, I doubt these people have ever owned a 1-year-old boxer. You will wear out playing before your boxer ever does. These dogs are extremely high energy and can go on for long periods of time.

Just crate your dog during the day. Leave a toy or two in her crate and give her plenty of love when you get home. She'll be fine.

Answer by The Shepherd
A crate will make this worse. The key is to exercise your dog before you leave her as much as possible. This will ease her energy and anxiety.
Leave her stuff to do while you are gone. You can freeze food inside a Kong and let her try to get it out all day. You can hide bones around the house and let her look for them.

When you are home and see her chewing on anything you do not want chewed rein down all over her if you catch her in the act. Otherwise, act like it does not bother you.
Spray things with bitter apple spay that you do not want to be chewed.

Exercise is the most important. I know it can be hard early in the morning. Dogs sleep all day if they are tired.

Answer by Tiffany davis
I had to build a crate for my Boxer out of 2 x 4,s. he got so anxious when I left (he was a rescue)he broke out of regular crates and tore everything up. I was able to build it the size I wanted it though (he is huge). After he got used to it he walked right in when it was time to go in the mornings. After a vet visit when he ate a ceramic dish I feel much better with him safe in his crate. They are a handful, but as my vet said….. A lot like toddlers! Keep things out of reach and keep them exercised. Good luck!

Answer by B L
Crate training is the only answer. Before we got our puppy we were SO against crate training, and we are now finding how awesome it is.
The crate, or other enclosed area is the only place to keep your home safe, and your dog safe. While you are at work, you have no idea what she's getting in to, or what she might eat that might kill her.

Make sure that you get her out for a nice long walk before you leave for work. In her crate, leave some chew toys and some water. As soon as you get home, take her out for another long walk to tire her out.
I once heard someone say, that a tired dog is a happy dog. Your Boxer is chewing everything in your home b/c she is bored.
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