We Clean our Bulldog's Wrinkles but the Smell Remains!

blonde4evrxo01: How to get rid of the smell in bulldog's wrinkles!?
We have a Bulldog, and we are continuously cleaning her face wrinkles with baby wipes and warm water, but the smell will not go away.

The smell is awful. What can I do to get rid of it?

Sleepy Bulldog with many wrinklesSleepy Bulldog with many wrinkles
Photo Credit: mybulldog/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by sleepingtiger5466
It could be a yeast infection. Call your vet or ask a groomer. They will know.

Answer by Michael
You could try special dog wet wipes instead of baby wipes. You should be able to get them from your vet or you can order them online.

Answer by anon
Check with your vet. Bulldogs, pugs, and other wrinkly-faced dogs need their wrinkles cleaned daily. If you have been cleaning daily and there is still a smell, your dog may have developed a yeast infection in her facial wrinkles.

Answer by merrygirl
I am a vet tech and a bulldog owner. You can use the baby wipes, or you can get medicated wipes from the vet. you should try to wipe them out daily. Make sure you dry the wrinkles too. As the other person said it could be yeast, which would most likely need medication. (yeast smells like dirty socks) They also have "pockets" of space under their tail, which should be cleaned the same way often, if you don't they can get an infection called screw tail. Try to keep the areas dry.

Answer by tigerstoy
The best way to maintain the smell is to keep them dry as much as possible. You can use a Q-tip first use it to apply alcohol (lightly) then a dry one to absorb any extra moisture use peroxide around the eyes and nose area to avoid watering eyes. Moisture is the reason they stink. Also, there may be an infection due to the moisture (from baby wipes/water) similar to a yeast infection that may need to be addressed as well.

Answer by Jocelyn
When my brother had a Shar-pei puppy we had to use a toothbrush and pull up all his wrinkles, scrub and let go of wrinkle, scrub and continue! That kept the dirt and bugs out of his wrinkles!!

Answer by Bulldog mama
Sounds like a yeastie-beastie to me!
I've always used Malaseb pads for the yeast infections my bullies would get in their wrinkles or toes. The pads clear them up pretty quickly.

MalAcetic Wet Wipes cleanse and assist in treating skin problems (Amazon #ad)

Answer by kiya 12bc
Take her to a vet and see if there is a skin infection/fungus or something along that line…..I haven't had a BULLDOG (full-blooded in years)..but have had some mixed..which I have now.. and never had that problem…..but it sounds like something within her is coming out..Good Luck

Answer by gw 7772000
A good bath, with tear-free baby shampoo scrubbing on the wrinkles. If this doesn't help, she may be getting into something nasty on a daily basis.

Answer by Lani
You should clean all folds, as dirt collects in these areas and it would be really easy for parasites/bugs/fleas to hide in these areas as well… also, I've heard it is a place prone to infections if not properly maintained.

Answer by Bill
You should clean the Bulldog's face wrinkles & also the wrinkles or divots around its tail….they collect oils & dirt & will really stink if you don't clean them….best to use a non-alcohol, non-scented baby wipe…..

Answer by nikki gardner
When bulldogs are puppies they are more wrinkly. They grow into their skin. The face will always be wrinkly though. You'll need to clean all of their wrinkles when they are young (depending on how wrinkly your dog is). You'll use a Q-tip and some water mixed with puppy soap to clean the face wrinkles, but be sure to rinse the wrinkles as well. If you leave the soap in the creases they'll start to stink and could cause infection.

Answer by Goldengal
You need to take her to the vet. Her skin smells because of an infection on the skin. This is very common with any dog that has a lot of wrinkles. When you clean her wrinkles do you make sure you dry them too??? If you don't then you're only adding to the problem. Moisture remains and irritates the skin and then infection sets in.
Get Zoe into the vets as soon as you can and have them show you the right way to clean between the wrinkles.
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