How Do I Get my Pug to Stop Biting?

AR-TARD: How do I get my Pug to stop biting?
My pug likes to nip fingers and feet a lot. How do I train him to stop biting?
Pug dog looking into the cameraPug dog looking into the camera
Photo Credit: agingdragqueen/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by kylieboo
When it bites, grab its snout, hold it closed and tight, and firmly say "no bite" and release. just continue doing this and eventually, your puppy will get the hang of it.

Answer by Mom of Three
I taught my pugs not to do that by playing with them nicely, but with my hands in fists so there was really nothing they could get a hold of if they did expose their teeth. They soon figure out I can't pet them without my fingers, and I'm not taking my fingers out until they are safe.

I also use a universal sound that sounds like a telephone busy signal if someone is cutting up. That sound will stop all four fo them in their tracks to await further instructions – like 'no teeth' or 'outside' or whatever.

For Pete's sake don't hit them at all, and don't use their crate for the correction! That is their bed.

Answer by ♥ Donna ♥
Maybe you could hold his mouth shut and tell him "NO" firmly! That sounds like a great idea, right?

Answer by Martelle
Do not smack or hit, and do not hold it's mouth shut, growl like its mother would & say no, pull your hand/foot away, if that doesn't work pick it up & put it to bed & BE CONSISTANT & PATIENT!! It takes a good dog owner to have a good dog..dogs are a product of there own environment!!!

Answer by Sondra J
Our Pug doesn't like water and when he does something wrong we spray him with our water bottle(the spray kind from the dollar store) it really works.or you can hit him with an empty milk jug, firmly, but not hard. It doesn't hurt them it just scares them.

Answer by nimoto
Yelp like a puppy when it bites you, you'll be speaking to it in a language it understands. Do it consistently, and it will change its behavior before long-

Answer by Carley F
My grandmother's puppy has the same problem. But it simply does it out of playfulness. I suggest if this is not out of fun firmly (but not to hard) hold the snout, tap your dog on the nose and either go cht or No.

Answer by mars
if it is a puppy. it is likely it is teething and wanting to play, and well puppies play rough. to keep the puppy from biting it is best to grab the puppy's muzzle and hold it shut and tell it "no", I would usually wait until the puppy begins to whine to let go of the muzzle, not from pain but frustration, it's kind of like "asserting your dominance" as Cesar Milan would say.

Answer by BB
I can't tell you how to stop nipping but I can tell you you need to stop it. My in-laws have an 8year old pug that my wife and I sometimes dog sit when they are out of town. This is the meanest dog on the planet. It is all my in-laws' fault b/c of the way they treat it. The dog is carried around constantly, is never told "no", and will bite you.

I think b/c the Pug is out of her element at my home she doesn't know what to do, and when we try to get her to do the simplest of the task she is unable to and will bite if forced. This dog will not go outside unless you pick her up and carried her out, but the trick is not to let her bite you in the process. If you wake her up to feed her or let her out, she will just lay and growl at you showing her teeth. I'm no dog whisperer but I don't think that is a good thing. I don't think she knows her name. If you call for her she does nothing. My in-laws have been bitten much time and all I can assume is that they like it. My wife and I have been lucky, we wear gloves when the dog is aggressive.

Anyway, you need to let the dog know who is boss. It will get worse if you let it. I love dogs. I am not a guy that is just complaining about having to watch someone else's dog. But because of my experience with this pug, I will never have a pug or recommend a pug to anyone I care about that is thinking about getting a dog.
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