How to Make my Pitbull Gain Weight and Muscle?

Robert: How can I get my Pitbull to gain weight and muscle?
I have a 1/2-year-old Pitbull, and he only weighs 50 pounds. How do I bulk him up so I can start to stud him? He is UKC registered, he is not a fighting dog, and I do not use him for that.

Answers and Views:

Answer by CC
American Pit Bull Terriers are supposed to weigh between 39-50 lbs. Breed standard, they are a lean breed not stocky, yes they are muscular, but not bulky. Your dog is perfect.

A slim pit bull dog on a leashA slim pit bull dog on a leash
Photo Credit: KerriRae/Flickr CC

Answer by Ted
THAT is the right weight! Why on earth do you want to put more weight on a dog that is genetically inclined to be lean and muscled?

He is fine. And leave the breeding alone. The 2nd most 'popular' breed in shelters is the APBT.
(The 1st is the Labrador Retriever.)

We don't need any more backyard-bred pits. Please.

Answer by Stacey
No responsible breeder is going to use your dog for a stud without the proper genetic testing (amongst other things). I really don't recommend breeding him.

In order to get your pitbull to gain weight, feed him high-quality food like Taste of the Wild, Innova, or Blue Buffalo. Instructions for feeding are right on the side of the bag.

Don't breed your family pet. There are so many pit bulls in shelters that die each and every day. If you really care about the breed, you will not breed him.

Answer by Eduardo D
if he got a little muscle right now put a 15 or 20 or 10 weight on his neck for 1 to 3 hours a day until he gets used to it like running and other stuff or get a tire and make him drag it around your yard and feed him a lot but walk him with the weights on so he'll get ripped.


Answer by maggy
Pitbull are a breed that struggles to gain weight. They have very low body fat and as a result, it is hard for them to pack on the pounds.

In order to make your dog gain weight, you will need to feed him the correct diet and give him time for his body to adjust. In addition, if your dog is not active enough or does not have access to a backyard where he can spend some time running around and playing ball then you will need to ensure that he gets some form of exercise every day.

Answer by Steve
I recently got a pit bull and he was very skinny. I tried everything, including switching his food and giving him more exercise. The problem is that he was not really interested in food and exercise, so I had little success for a long time.

Eventually, after a lot of trial and error, I came up with a plan where I would feed him one meal at night before bedtime. He would also get two snacks throughout the day, which helped to keep him from becoming too hungry during the day. This worked well for my pup because he slept through most of the daytime hours when he didn't have anything to do.

Answer by Mod
The first thing you have to do is make sure your dog has a complete balanced diet. That means they get the right amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates in their food.

The next thing you should do is give your dog a bunch of snacks throughout the day.
One example would be peanut butter and some bread or cracker crumbs.

Answer by Stephen A
These dogs love people and have no idea that their size is something of a deterrent to being a lap dog. Confident and keenly aware of their surroundings, they are watchdogs in that they may alert you to the presence of strangers, but that's primarily because they're eager to greet "their" guests.

While their love of people makes them failures as guard dogs, their courage is unmatched and they will defend their family with their lives.

Answer by damaryia in reply to Stephen A
yeah yeah yeaeaeah I know all of that but what I need to know is how to make my dog gain weight just because I will like the way he looks

Answer by Elaine M
Proper nutrition and exercise make your dog gain weight and muscle and keep him in show condition.

UKC doesn't guarantee the best bone structure if he's to be used for breeding he needs to have won ribbons for conformation and temperament. That means the show circuit. You'd also need copies of his papers and his parents' papers, to show breeding lines.

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