How do I Get my 7-week-old Puppy to Walk on a Leash?

Sue: How can I get my 7-week-old puppy to walk on his leash?
This weekend was the first time my seven-week-old puppy experienced his collar and leash. When I put it on him he was fine but when I went to walk him he just sat down and bit the leash not wanting to move at all... I used treats but that did not work at all... What else can I do to him so he can walk?

7-week-old puppy on owner's hands7-week-old puppy on owner's hands
Photo Credit: Appalachia Service Project/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:

Answer by Floopy
1) You shouldn't have a 7-week-old puppy, 8 weeks MINIMUM and yes that week makes a difference
2) He's just a baby, you can't expect him to automatically know what to do with a leash and collar on right away. Put it on him for short periods of time in the house and gradually move it to outside for longer periods of time.

Answer by jus1dt
He is too young to attempt the leash. I'd say at least until he's 3 months old. What we did with ours was attach it to his collar and let him roam through the house with it. We even led him with it on with his favorite toy, bone, etc..then he forgets about the leash part and goes for his favorite. He gets positive conditioned that way. Good luck!

Answer by Angela
Everybody Who Is Talking About You Shouldn't Have A 7 Week Old Puppy Needs To Shut Up. Yawl Don't Know Her Situation. N Puppies Can Leave Between 6-8 Weeks Just As Long As Their Weaned . ! Don't Come On Here Talking Mess Like You Know Everything. Your Not A Vet So Stop Acting Like You Are . ! Sue You Can Try To Walk Him Around The House With The Leash On. That's What I'm Doing With My 7 Week Old Puppy. Does He Have All The Shots He Needs? ?! If So You Can Walk Him Outside. Just Walk Very Slowly Because His Legs Are Small But He Can Walk On The Leash. They Run N Walk Just Fine Off The Leash So They Should Be Good On It . !

Answer by jenna rose
The puppy is a little too young to walk outside he could pick up a virus, and understand what walking is. Try to teach him using his favorite treats inside for now. Walk him outside and it could cost you money when he gets sick.

Answer by Christina
I have a 6-week old puppy and no I do not have her mother she is one of a litter of 8 puppies that were abandoned and left to die in a field and rescued by the ASPCA. So ppl please stop saying 7 weeks old is too young to even have. You don't know her situation. I'm just trying to figure out at what age I can leash train her. Won't even attempt just yet shes too young. But at how old can I start?

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