How cold of weather can a hunting english setter be in?

Tuff B: How cold of weather can a field hunting english setter be in?
I live in north dakota and it can get below -20 during the day in winter and i was wondering if it would still be able to go for walks and play outside. What about a German Shepard also, can it be in the same conditions? I think the coldest it got this past winter was -39.
English Setter snow photoEnglish Setter snow photo
Photo Credit: TonyMcCutchan/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:
Answer by xallyxx16
Don't leave them outside for long periods of time. Only keep them outside for as long as you are outside. Just remember that if you are cold, then so is your pet! Keep them inside in the cold weather :)

Answer by native
I've been looking at different breeds now for upland bird hunting now that I have the time and money for it. Since its going to be an outside dog (all the time outside) I've been considering the breed carefully. Since I'm in Northern Wisconsin we get plenty cold too.

I've made sure to call a good reputable local vet and ask them specifically "If I have a well built, properly sized, insulated dog house of the proper dimensions; at what point do I need to bring my dog in for the night regarding temperature?".

The vet's answer: probably don't need to worry about it. She said with a properly sized dog house thats well insulated a dog will not have a problem year round outside and that she sees a fair number of outside hunting dogs from our area and has never seen a correlation between outside/inside and a difference in overall health or life expectancy. Dogs are extermely hardy and far tougher than most people are willing to acknowledge. If you're not comfortable with the dog being outside, bring it in. But don't feel pressure from all the "my dog is my best buddy" crew to treat it like the king of the castle. If you're dog is for working, treat it well, but its a tool first and foremost.

Answer by Madonna K
Both dogs would do okay in this climate, but not as "outside" dogs. These temperatures would require the dog to be brought in.
A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn't sleep outside in just a sleeping bag, your dog probably shouldn't be left outside either. Bring him in the house and let him potty outside.
I have a 14 lb American Eskimo Dog, and she was playing outside in 12'' of snow in -20 weather this past winter. Of course, we both came inside when we got cold!

Answer by Ryan
Sled dogs in Alaska live outside all year round. Where I live it gets to -40 often in the winter. Dogs are tough. People that say if you're cold the dog is cold are the same ones that dress them in stupid outfits! That being said, I wouldn't leave a 4 lb hairless Chihuahua outside at -39. Be smart about your breed choice.
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