How can I train my pitbull?

h2gj87: How can I train my red nose pitbull?
Ok so I would like to train my 5 month old Pitbull, I don't know if age matters when training a dog. He's really playful but I would like to teach him to stay off the couch and off the beds and also the basic dog tricks, sit, stay, talk etc. He's already potty trained. Also why do people teach dogs to attack? Is it so in case of an emergency like when you get robbed or something and should I teach him that too? I don't think I can afford obedience school and if there are any alternatives what are they?
red nose pitbull trainingred nose pitbull training
Photo by nineball2727/Flickr CC

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Answer by cbuck90
The only people who train pits to be attack dogs are fools. They are destroying a great dog. The pit wont do very much in the way of guarding except maybe using his appearance to keep the wary away.

When ever he gets up onto the couch, set him down--dont push because he will think you are playing. Pick him up and set him on the floor. Give him a treat for staying on the floor. Pits are very smart dogs and will pick up on stuff quickly if training is kept up. sit is pretty easy. Push his butt to the floor while using the command to sit. Once you push his butt down, give him a treat. Do that a couple times, then try it with out pushing his butt down. If he responds, praise him like he is the best doggie EVER!! Stay is one that might take some time. Start at small intervals after getting him into a sit or a down. start with like 3 seconds in a stay. treat him. Then a couple successful days later, aim for 6. then just go up from there. I can, with my dog, leave him in a down/stay for 2-3 minutes while I am out of sight. It is possible!

You can train him yourself, just as long as you know what you are doing. Join and they can help you out with training options and ideas.

Also, just so you know, "red nose" is just that. Means he has a red nose. Nothing special unless he comes from the champion Old School Red Nose line, which is unlikely, there arent too many of them out. there is no difference between the red noses and the blue and the black or pink or purple. It's just the color of the nose he was given.

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