Q: How can I teach my 7 month male Rottweiler to fetch a ball and to be more of a guard dog?
He currently will sit on command, run to the ball half the time, and half time stay sitting in front of me. And the few rare times he picks up the ball, he would drop it right after picking it up and run back to me or drop it on the way back to me. What is it? Him expecting reward/treat in my hand or what?
Photo Credit: Tschäff/Flickr CC
I also NEED him to be more aggressive when needed. Not going to fight dog or abuse him. But really need him to learn these guard/protection/security skills quickly. Don't want to give him up because he can't learn this. It is important that he know how to do this because I live in a really bad neighborhood and got robbed a few times.
Answers and Views:
Answer by paintedrain2
Why do you insist that the dog is a guard dog, or you'll give him up? Being only 7 months old, he's still a puppy, it's not a top priority, to guard anything.
Also, not every dog fetches. Some just don't find it entertaining.
The very bravest dogs are friendly as pups, and like people..because they have no fear..As they mature, they can 'read' malice, and predict danger..and that is where there special skill comes from..
If he is taught to distrust people before he is grown, he will be less brave as he matures, so he needs to meet and be as friendly as he can be..He will soon know who is bad, and who is not..He should NEVER be rude to your friends, but except them as you do, as family..
Answer by dobes
I agree with Chetco about the protection part of the dog. Give him time - a well bred Rottweiler should NATURALLY protect himself and his "pack" (which you are becoming). He is too immature now - You should see changes at about 1 1/2 years. He is a baby. I have Dobermans and never try to teach them guarding - w/out professional help, you are asking for trouble.
Fetching- he needs to learn that this is fun - try a different toy - like a squeaky toy. Have two - one that squeak and get him interested, then toss - not too far at first. When he gets that one - you can encourage him to come back to you with the second toy- also squeaking. At first, he'll drop the 1st toy, but soon begin bringing it back. Encourage him to come back quickly with the second toy. Later you can switch to a ball or frisbee.
Good luck
Answer by gav
hey man, i thought the same thing of my rotty. will he protect me as i want him to be a guard dog. he's a big friendly giant at 1 year old now, however i got into a verbal arguement with a dude who was passing by and man it took all my strength to stop him from killing that poor dude! he's your dog, he will protect you when necessary but rottys are smart and won't bother on the small things!
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