How can I Stop my Male Pug from Marking in the House?

Sheena F: How can I stop my male pug from marking in the house?
We just got a female Pug and ever since then my male pug has been peeing everywhere it seems. Especially on my bed. I figure it's because we got a new puppy but will it ever stop n how can I prevent it??
I'm not getting him neutered, that is not an option. I breed him.
And he is potty trained.
pug dog peeing on the treepug dog peeing on the tree
Photo Credit: wotthe7734/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by nora22000
Send him to a kennel for a week. Then start his puppy training all over again as if you never saw him before.
He'll get the point real fast.

Answer by torbaynewfs
I guess you are SOL. Neutering or a house that smells like dog wee……pretty clear choice for most of us!

Answer by CAT
They make a thing called BELLY BANDS you can get them on amazon (#ad) they can be washed !! They are around $10 for three so you have one when washing another.

Answer by meg b
Sorry to say this, but I have heard this more times than I can count from people who refuse to neuter. He is doing this because of the hormones that were stirred up when you brought the female in. He is not doing it because he just needs to pee and has forgotten his training, he is doing it because his instincts have taken over. This is what uncut male dogs do when they are not neutered and are exposed to females.

A belly band will stop him from getting his urine on your stuff, but will not do anything to stop from marking, it will just catch the urine, like underpants that go across his penis, some have a place to put a pad, but they do start to smell and the skin can get irritated having that urine setting right up against it for any amount of time. I had a male who learned to get them off in no time, then they are worthless.

If you refuse to neuter him for whatever reason, you may just have to take away some of his privileges, like the freedom to run the house. This is NOT a problem you will be able to break him off, no matter what you do. If you leave him unattended, he is going to mark, his hormones tell him to do it even though he knows the rules of potty training.

View dog stains and odor remover on Amazon (#ad).

Only let him have run of the house when you can be right there with him and I mean right there! It only takes a second for him to lift his leg and mark, you will have to babysit him to make sure you can stop him every time he lifts that leg. But he will probably always try to get away with it when you are not looking, that's what uncut males do, and that's one of the many problems that you have to accept if you are breeding.

No one said it was easy to be a "Breeder", it's not always as easy as "buy girl dog, buy boy dog, get puppies".

Answer by Rachel
If he is not neutered - you might have to resort to that.
If he is - then you may have to go back and start the house training all over again. Crate time - supervised house playtime, consistent walking schedule, etc, etc.
And if it is a territorial issue - then perhaps time will help him understand how to share the house. Until them, treat and train him like the puppy he is acting like.

Answer by takepaws49203
Have him neutered, if he isn't. Not only will it stop your Pug from peeing in the house and many other behavior problems, but it will also eliminate the high risk of testicular cancer in older dogs as he ages.
If he's fixed already, contain him when you can't supervise him constantly and when you can, correct him as soon as he lifts his leg with a stern, "NO!" and take him outside where you want him to go. Praise him when he does what he should.

Answer by Stephanie
My male pug is neutered, potty trained and still marks all over the house. He will come in the house and mark the furniture right after he has gone out to pee several times. The only thing that prevents the marking in the house is the belly band that catches his pee. I agree that the belly band doesn't seem like the healthiest option for all-day use, but does save hours of work cleaning up pet urine off the carpet and furniture while your pet is roaming around indoors.

Answer by Tanya
I have 2 pugs one female and one male he is all the time peeing on everything in the house I been trying to mate them so I can fix him...... thank god I have a fence in the backyard but he pees all over the porch.
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