How Can I Make My Labrador More Protective?

How can I make my Labrador more protective?
Where I live, I need a protective dog. I recently got assaulted by an unknown man. I got strangled, and my 11-month-old Labrador did nothing as this when on. How can I make him more protective?

black labrador head profileblack labrador head profile
Photo Credit: jfch/Flickr CC

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Answer by dartass224
First of all, a Labrador isn't going to protect you. Labradors were never bred to be protective or aggressive, and even breeds that were don't usually because they aren't bred for it anymore. If he does make a move, its usually going to be because he is scared wants to drive the threat back. He is only protecting himself and will never protect you. True protection trained dogs need two things: the genetics and the help of a specialized PP trainer to bring out the dog's fight drive.

VERY VERY VERY few dogs even bred for PP have fight drive today, most dogs just act on defense, which will get you nowhere, if your lab even has a forward defense drive in him. For the record, you can go and get 50 german shepherd dogs, but if none of them have the correct genetics for the temperament, you won't get anything more then a few fear biters, who will probably run in the other direction.

Furthermore, if you need protection, get a gun, don't count on a dog to do it for you.

Answer by lab owner
I strongly disagree, labs can be very protective if brought up right. I had a yellow lab female who would not let anyone near my house or my children without them knowing she was there. Any knock at the door or a noise that didn't sound right she was there but was always gentle and nice to everyone she had met before. She was protective of me then when my children came along I saw a big change and she became more protective. The kids could do absolutely anything to her pull her ears lay on her my oldest son would get on her back and try to ride her and she would just look at me like are they done yet but when there was a problem or one of them yelled in the backyard and we were in the front she was there first. So for all you to say labs aren't protective your wrong. My lab sleeps in my bed or one of my children's bed every night.

One thing I do agree with and its the easiest thing is to get them to bark at the sound of someone knocking on the door and all I did was when someone knocks,  make sure your dog is with you and ask the dog " who is it or who's at the door" and when they bark give them a treat and applaud them and sooner than later they will just do it naturally.

Hope this little bit helps but they do need to have all trust in you before they will do for you.

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Answer by SpazadorMama
I have an 11-month-old black lab and she is the working type, anyway I sleep with my window open and at ANY noise she has her head out the window growling and barking. She is also my truck dog, she goes EVERYWHERE with me, literally EVERYWHERE. No privacy at all of any kind. She is always here with me. She does not allow ANYONE to approach my truck. My husband put on a clown mask once and as soon as she saw him she got into a fighting stance and he quickly pulled the mask off because we both knew an attack was about to happen. Yet she is gentle with the baby and ALL the children she encounters. An amazing breed for sure!

Answer by sarah m
I have a lab, and she is protective plus she got one hell a deep bark the thing is if you get them to be protective of you they get anxiety when your not with them believe me it not good but if you wanna go ahead with it you have to spend all your time with him
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