How can I Help my Dog's Arthritis?

LeiaBeia!™: what can I do to help my dog's arthritis?
She's a big 150-pound timberwolf/husky mix. she is an old mama as we call her and sometimes it hurts her to walk after she's been laying down for a bit. is there anything I can give her or do for her to make her more comfortable? she's an outside dog as well.
dog arthritisdog arthritis
Photo Credit: IndysMom/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Aduial
Only something that your vet prescribes. Make an appointment and have the vet look at her.

Answer by Trisha S
Arthritis is often assumed to be a senior dog disease. While it certainly does strike dogs in their golden years, younger dogs are susceptible, too.

Arthritis is an inflammation in a joint. It gets worse over time and may begin as simple morning stiffness and progress to lameness and swollen, painful joints. The good news is that while arthritis is incurable, treatment can make your dog feel a whole lot better.

Answer by Beebs
Our vet prescribed our old boy Metacam for his arthritic pain. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do without visiting the vet though. Treating your dog at home is dangerous, plus the medications you need aren't available unless from a vet… Not only that but if you were to find them, giving it to your dog with no knowledge of it is a bad thing… Your vet will assess your dog and give her something for the pain if needed and advise you on the correct dosages etc. Don't let her suffer, take her off to the vet.
Also, if she's an outside dog and its cold where you are, you should bring her in. The cold is very painful for their joints.

Answer by Josh
There is a harness that aids with various ailments such as Hip Dysplasia, Arthritis, CDRM, old age, cruciates and lots more. It's not a cure but it will aide with mobility.
Another suggestion is also to try swimming your dog twice a week for a period of 20 minutes broken into 4 sets per session with 5-minute breaks in between. The dog must be built up to do this.
I don't know where you live but see if there is a dog swimming place near you or if you have a friend with a pool – try and get permission to use this. Good luck.

Answer by ArtFl
Look for such a harness on Amazon (#ad) dog arthritis harness

Answer by dukati
Keep her warm, especially her joints. Bring her inside…many dogs get arthritis because their joints were exposed to cold temperatures. If she's overweight put her on a diet so she isn't carrying as much weight around.

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