How can I get my yellow Labrador to stop shedding so much?

Q: How can I get my dog to stop shedding so much?
I have a yellow lab, he's almost a year old and he sheds like crazy! There's hair everywhere. I give him baths, which I figure would help but I can't bathe him everyday. Is there any way to stop the shedding without spending tons of money?
yellow labrador asleepyellow labrador asleep
Photo Credit: Eselsmann™

Answers and Views:

Answer by Garfield
Change his diet. A lot of times that will help. If he is healthier, he won't shed as much. Also, brush him every day so that the hair he is shedding is collected and not all over your house!

Answer by Camirra
Unfortunately some dogs are simply more prone to shedding than others – it can vary from breed to breed and from dog to dog – and there's no way to "change" their biological makeup. But if you have a dog who sheds to excess there are some preventive steps you can take. Bathing is fine, but it actually doesn't get rid of loose hair.

For best results you are going to have to brush the dog every day. Labs don't have an extremely heavy undercoat, so a stiff bristled brush should work. If it doesn't seem to be picking up enough hair, pet stores also sell "hand mittens" that act as a brush and special shedding blades that detach dead hair. And even though Lab's don't have a double coat, you could still try a comb specifically designed to remove loose hair in the undercoat of dogs.

To keep ahead of the hair, you are going to have to be committed to daily grooming. But I think you will find that your dog will enjoy the attention and it will bring you closer.

Answer by Sandy
I have a yellow lab as well, and I feel your pain! Brush him as often as you can! But if your dog is anything like mine he hates it and I nearly have to hold him down to do the job! You can also find fish oil at your local pet store, that you can put just a little on your dogs food. This is supposed to help you pet shed less!

I also take my dog to petsmart twice a year to be carded. Basically, they have two really bad sheds a year where they lose their undercoat to grow the new one for each season. Carding is just a term for the groomers to go in and get as much of the excess hair off the dog as they can!! Good luck!!

This Magic Pro Dog Deshedding Tool Reduces Shedding By 95%

Answer by sooSOO
I saw a commercial and they sell these shedding things and they did one on a dog and it worked VERY WELL .
Or what I did is constantly brushed my dog over and over again. She liked it and she stopped shedding.

Answer by Hero
Thanks for the help everyone I have a black lab who sheds terribly! he is a calm dog about 5 years old and has been shedding since he was born, and will be trying your advice. and if i can remember, I will post the results. And by shedding a lot I mean A LOT! Like a wig a day. It's gotten worse since this summer I think it could be because of the heat, or because he has been eating leftovers, couldn't afford dog food.
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