How big is Great Pyrenees and Siberian Husky mix?

Q: How big does a Great Pyrenees and a Siberian Husky mix get?
How big does a Great Pyrenees and a Siberian Husky mix get? and does anyone know what the combination looks like?

A large Siberian Husky lying in the snowA large Siberian Husky lying in the snow
Photo Credit: Jeffrey Beall/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by nonxian
You'll never be able to predict as it depends on the genes that the puppy gets. But you can assume that is would probably be a medium to large-sized. Both the Pyrenees and huskies' have heavy coats so there will be lots of fur.
Interesting mix.

Answer by Lifes Images
I'm not sure on the look, and the weight could fluctuate greatly!
A typical Male pyrenees will weigh 100-160 pounds, Female being 85-125 pounds.
Huskies (my favorite breed!) are much smaller, Males being only 40-60 pounds, and females being 35-50 pounds.
I would guess, male, 100 pounds, female, 75 pounds.

Answer by petstore sell puppym
Great Pyrenees; Height; 25- 32inches, Weight; 85-100pounds
Siberian Husky=Height; 20-23 1/2 inches, Weight 35-60pounds
Anywhere from 35-100pounds, Anything from 20-32inches in height. Could even be on the small scale in the height and at the high end of the weight.

If somehow, you have missed it, there's a new trend in celebrity dog ownership: strang, unnatural crosses of unhealthy dogs that people pay thousands of dollars to own. They call them "designer dogs." These animals are not a new breed; they are mutts! Accidents!

Now, I'm all for the owning of mutts. I, myself, have never had anything else. But to breed (that is, intentionally) is to choose two champion animals with a high quality of various traits and to test the parents for congenital diseases. Puggle, labradoodle, pekepoo, or any other cutesie-named dog breeders are not doing this. They are picking cute animals and forcing them to breed beyond their capacity. They are not breeding to "improve the breed." They are breeding solely to make money, and that poses problems for the animals and for their owners.

Well, sure, they're cute! They're dogs, and these specific ones are designed to be cute! But they're also a fad, and if you've ever given in to one, you know that they don't last. When you get a dog, you are committing to him for life, not for however long you happen to want him around.

If you want a Great Pyrenese x Siberian Husky I almost guarantee there is one at your local shelter. But if you buy a "Great Husky or Siberian Pyrense," you are encouraging PUPPY MILL AND BACKYARD BREEDERS to breed more trendy dogs who will not necessarily be healthy.
Pet overpopulation is enough of a problem in this country. Please don't add to the problem.

Answer by Stolichnaya
I agree with PSPP above. I own a Great Pyrenees - Siberian Husky mix. Stolichnaya (Stoli for short) is a solid cream color with slightly darker ears and the size of a female Great Pyr – 101 lbs weighed in last week and has ice white eyes with navy blue rims around the inner and outer edges of her irises.

She's approx 3 yrs old. I rescued her from a shelter. She came in as a stray. She had been out for a while. She was flea-bitten, covered in ticks, extremely shy, and scared of everyone and had UTI and URI. She wouldn't take a treat from anyone. She wouldn't eat out of a bowl that she couldn't see over the edge while her face was in it, so she now eats out of a custom pie dish I ordered for her. If anyone started running around her she would immediately cower on the ground.

The fact that she's beautiful didn't save her from a hard life or abuse. Someone beat her. Badly. It's taken me months to get her to trust me. Months and months and months, and we've still got so far to go.

I can't tell you what any other mix such as this would look like. What I ask of you is that you find a rescue. One that fits your life. Research the possible breeds, and possible temperaments. Ask rescue groups of certain breeds if that's what you need. They can even tell you the personality of the dogs that are fostered. Plus, they will help you determine that you are right for the dog. If you want something to show off for looks, you need to find something you don't have to develop a relationship with…like a new watch. This is a living creature with heart and soul and feelings and needs that are sometimes hard to meet. If you're up for that GREAT. Best of luck for you, and your new dog.

Answer by RuthAnn
It will be pretty much what U would expect in size — somewhere between each one of the parents, so a little bigger than a husky, and slightly smaller than the Pyrenees. The color will be basically white or off-white, with pale gray markings or shadings
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