What is a Fair Price for an AKC Shetland Sheepdog?

jessica: What is a fair price for an AKC registered Shetland Sheepdog puppy?
They have had their first shots and is de-wormed and has a clean bill of health from the vet. They aren't show quality. They are very friendly and the owner has both parents on-premises. Both parents do agility and obedience and are super smart.

The lady is asking $ 600, is that reasonable? They are almost 8 weeks she said. There is also genetic testing in their lines for different diseases.
Oh, she said they are also piddle pad trained! And they are adorable!

Shetland Sheepdog puppy sitting on a bench in the gardenShetland Sheepdog puppy sitting on a bench in the garden

Answers and Views:

Answer by duffie_1999
$ 600 for a pet quality purebred with all the care they have had and from a good breeder is about right. If the price is a problem, contact the Shetland Sheepdog rescue society. All rescue societies have lots of dogs. I got my last dog from a rescue and she was the best dog...she was 2 when we got her and had been abused. We made sure the rest of her life was nothing but kindness and love.

Answer by Sandy B
I am the proud mom of 3 shelties one purchased from a show breeder He is now 15. One purchased from a pet store( real bad choice) he is 9 and one from Wisconsin sheltie rescue he is 2. Please check out your local rescue. There are so many unwanted dogs. All my boys are very sweet.

The $ 600.00 price is very reasonable. I hope you have done your homework to make sure a sheltie is the right dog for you. They are not typically good with small children, they do require a lot of attention or they will become barkers and hyper. Please don't become fixated on the price. You will have this member of your family for 15 years.

I would never have any other dog. All mine all have their own personalities, it's just like having a few 5-year kids around. Good Luck!!

Answer by Ariel36
I would say that $ 600 is reasonable. We paid $ 800 for ours 12 years ago.

Let me tell you, Shelties are the absolute best dogs. I had mine for 12 years until she passed away from cancer three weeks ago. I treated her for over a year and she did great until the very end.

My Sheltie was (and in spirit still is) the love of my life. She was bright, energetic (a tad neurotic but c'mon – so am I so how can I complain). They are the most loyal, loving precious creatures ever put on this earth. Never did a tear fall from my eyes without her by my side until the tears were falling for the loss of her.

After my experience with her bladder Cancer (Shelties have a four-fold risk for it), I would absolutely get pet insurance and make sure to get a cancer rider. In the beginning, we don't think about $ 15K in vet bills in a year. Seriously, my greatest mistake was not having pet insurance. Other than this I wouldn't change a thing and I would give up everything I have for her.

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Answer by Peter B.
The cost of a purebred Shetland Sheepdog puppy can go as high as $2,500.
Purebred Shelties are expensive for a couple of reasons: their rarity, and the costs associated with breeding healthy dogs. The first factor is largely driven by the fact that there are not many Shelties in the world. The second is that reputable breeders usually spend a lot on veterinarian checks, health tests, and DNA profiling to ensure genetic diversity.

Answer by Moniq
Their price ranges from $600 to $2,500 depending on the seller.  The prices are dependent on where you buy them, the show quality of the parents, how many puppies there are in the litter, and so on. At the time of this writing, I could find a puppy for sale in California for $1,500 to $2,000. A breeder in Arizona has a litter for sale at $2,500 with all shots and vet care included.

Answer by svmv
Yes, this is a reasonable price! I say jump in with both feet and enjoy; with attention, obedience, and all the love in the world you can enjoy this new addition to the family for years and years.

Answer by me
It is the high end of reasonable. You can buy purebreds sans papers for about $ 75. I wouldn't pay over 200 for a sheltie. They are hyper.


Answer by arkpudel
What do you mean by they have had genetic testing "in their lines"? Do the parents not have genetic testing? That would make me nervous.

Answer by LiveNow
That's fine for a pet quality puppy, show quality would and should be more expensive, so if you want to show instead, think about that. And I must agree with the previous poster, genetic testing in their "lines"? If they do not have a mother and a father who have both been tested for hips, eyes, diseases and etc, I would be very hesitant that this is a good breeder at all.

Reputable breeders always make sure they are breeding healthy dogs by paying for them to be tested, this is costly, but adds much more assurance that you get a healthy puppy.

Answer by Weetie
I am not sure about a reasonable price (probably around $ 600.00 sounds right) – I paid that for mine 6 years ago… BUT they are the sweetest dogs in the world!

My "Syssi" has never been to obedience school – she doesn't herd anything but our cats (lol) but she was very easy to teach and is soooo wonderful!

You will not be sorry that you have chosen the Sheltie – but you probably already know that …if you know (or have ever owned) a Shetland Sheepdog. Good Luck!

Answer by Alyssa
Sounds reasonable. Anything over that would be a bit extravagant for a pet quality dog, but I would pay $ 600 for a pet quality purebred.
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