Doggy in the Window?

CoolJarrod: Who should you get that doggy in the Window From?
I live in Palm Springs, Ca. Usa. Our only Pet Stores are Commercial Pet Stores "Petco" and "Petsmart" and they only Adopt pets out, there's not a selection of dogs to choose from on a daily basis,like pet stores used to do in the past.... There's going to the No-kill Animal Sh0eltor, but it is ran by our Police Department and most the dogs there are either mutts or dogs that you need insurance for because they on a dangerous dog list. Esp. Pitbulls, they claim that they are no-kill but they lucky to get a purebred dog for someone to adopt, they had a Neopolitan Mastiff female there and police man told me if she don't get adopted,this be her forever home, week went by I called him back up to see if anyone else taken her, he said you can come down and get her, I came down the next day afterwords, they told me they didn't have a choice but to put her to sleep because they ran out of space..they obviously lied to me and I was so upset they did this to her, when I wanted give her a wonderful home.

People over on Craigslist tell me don't ever buy a dog from backyard breeders, puppy mills, or hoarders

So where can I get me any of these type of Moloser dogs, a dog that doesn't cost me a fortune

Adronicus Mastiff
Akbash Dog
Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Ovtcharka)
Alano Español (Spanish Alano)
Alaunt (extinct)
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
Alpine Mastiff (extinct)
Alp Mastiff (Cane Garouf)
American Bulldog
American Bull Molosser
American Mastiff
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Alangu Mastiff (Indian Mastiff)
Antebellum Bulldog
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Appenzeller Sennenhund
Argentine Dogo
Banter Bulldogge
Belgian Mastiff
Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner Sennen)
Boerboel (South-African Mastiff)
Boston Terrier
Brazilian Bullmastiff
Bucciriscu Calabrese
Bulldog (English Bulldog, British Bulldog)
Buldogue Campeiro
Bullenbeisser (German Bulldog) (extinct)
Bully Kutta (Pakistani Mastiff)
Bull Terrier (England)
Ca de Bou (Perro de Presa Mallorquin, Mallorquin Bulldog, etc.)
Cane Corso (Italian mastiff, Cane da presa, Sicilian Brancheiro)
Cão da Serra da Estrela (Estrela Mountain Dog)
Cão de Castro Laboreiro (Portuguese Watchdog, Portuguese Cattledog)
Cão de Fila de São Miguel (Azores Cattledog)
Cão de Fila da Terceira (Dog of Terceira (Terceira Island, Azores) - see Cão de Fila de São Miguel)
Cão de Gado Transmontano (Portuguese Mountain Cattle dog (Montesinho))
Catahoula Bulldog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Central Asia Shepherd Dog
Cimarrón Uruguayo (Uruguayan Cimarron)
Dosa Inu (Mee-Kyun Dosa, Korean Mastiff)
Doberman Pinscher
Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)
Dogo Argentino
Dogo Cubano
Dogo Guatemalteco

Dogo Sardesco
Dutch Mastiff (An alternate name for a Pug, technically a misnomer from a genetic standpoint)
English Mastiff (Mastiff)
Entlebucher Sennenhund (Entlebucher Mountain Dog)
Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)
French Bulldog
Giant Maso Mastiff
Golden Retriever
Golden Mastiff
Gran Mastin de Borínquen
Great Dane (German Mastiff)
Great Pyrenees
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog(Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund)
Gull Terr
Gull Dang
Himalayan Sheepdog
Kangal Dog
Landseer (sometimes considered a colour variety of the Newfoundland)
Moscovskaya Storozhevaya Sobaka (Moscow Watchdog)
Neapolitan Mastiff
Olde Boston Bulldogge
Old Roman Bull-Dog
Olde English Bulldogge
Panther Dog
Perro Cimarron
Perro de Presa Canario
Perro de Toro
Polish Tatra Sheepdog
Pyrenean Mastiff
Pyrenean Mountain Dog (Great Pyrenees)
Rafeiro do Alentejo
Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion Hound)
Sage Koochee (Afghan Sheepdog)
Sage Mazandarani[2] (Sage Sangesari)
Saint Bernard
Shar Pei
Spanish Mastiff
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Tibetan Kyi Apso (Bearded Tibetan Mastiff)
Tibetan Mastiff
Tosa Inu (Japanese Mastiff)
Turkish Mastiff (Malakli)
Valley Bulldog
Places like petfinder are cool and all except for the fact that I've always wanted a Bigger Dog Like the Great Dane, Olde English Mastiff, St.Bernard, Cane Corso, Neopolitan Mastiff, Or the Bullmastiff

That was a list of the Molosser Family of dogs

which explains there family tree here

Because of the Struggling Economy, the owners of the Neo Mastiff couldn't take care of her any longer, she was unfortunately big in size but she was also skin and bones because they left her chained up with not enough food and water so a neighbor anonomously called animal control and they took her in,they said they held on to her for over a month, fed her up as much as they could but sadly that police officer also said that the previous owners hit her, and that right there turned me away from adopting at sheltor, they put her to rest and she didn't do nothing wrong
There at petfinder most of these bigger dogs are located in the Los Angeles Area or Further than 200 miles away, one place mentioned there is owned "Gentle Giants" owned and ran by Actor "Burt Ward" from tv series batman, but they have a major contract with there breed of Giants, they still own them

This is what got me interested in owning a large breed dog
here you can read "Gentle Giants Rescue/Adoption Application and Requirements

There has to be someone better priced than them. lol

Answers and Views:

Answer by Rayven ~ Here we Go Again
Oh please assuming you could responsibly on a tenth of the dog's listed here you would know good damn and well that a PETSHOP IS THE LAST PLACE TO LOOK FOR A DOG.

Start looking up national and local breed clubs and start attending dog shows and talking to reputable breeders

Not rocket science

You wouldn't find 90% of these breeds in a regular shelter and would be lucky to find a breeder specific rescues. Hell some of these i know don't even have a breed club in the us.

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