In Russia, Caucasian Shepherds are often called Asian names, such as Akbay, Boksar, Buyan, Kazbek, etc.
Questions About Russian Dogs
Questions and answers about Russian dog breeds, their pros and cons, their specific features, and individualities.
Is Russian Ovcharka the Largest Dog Breed?
Is Russian Ovcharka the Largest Dog Breed? Caucasian Shepherd vs Great Dane, Ovcharka vs St.Bernard.
Difference between Moscow Watchdog and Saint Bernard?
Moscow Watchdog vs Saint Bernard. What is the difference between these two dog breeds?
Difference between Samoyed and Pomeranian?
Samoyed and Pomeranian difference. Both dogs are both in the Spitz family, close relatives,
Caucasian Shepherd Growth Chart (Height and Weight Tables)
I have a 3-month-old Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd. What is the growth chart tables for this dog breed?
How Much Should I Feed my Samoyed Dog?
What is Samoyed feeding amounts? How much should I feed my new Samoyed Dog?
Question About Dog Fighting and the Breeds Used?
What breeds are used in dogfighting? Everyone totes the APBT as the “super dog” of the fighting circuit.
Any Utah Breeders selling Malamute-Samoyed Mixes?
Are there any breeders within 500 miles of Utah that sell Malamute-Samoyed mixes?