In Russia, Caucasian Shepherds are often called Asian names, such as Akbay, Boksar, Buyan, Kazbek, etc.
Russian Puppies
Puppies of the most popular Russian dog breeds. Their characteristics and the ways to obtain them. Puppies' breeders and prices.
Why Do People Buy Black Russian Terrier Puppies
Loyalty, safety, intelligence, and personal enjoyment are the main reasons why people buy Black Russian Terrier puppies.
Caucasian Ovcharka Breeder in California?
Where to find Caucasian Ovcharka breeders or kennels in California, preferably Northern California.
Caucasian Ovcharka breeders in Australia?
Are there Caucasian Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd) breeders in Australia? Their import price is too high.
Is Samoyed a good Apartment Dog to be Left Home Alone?
Is Samoyed dog good for apartment living and to be left alone? Is 20-30 min walk in the park enough for them?
Can a Badly Bred Siberian Husky have Registration Papers?
A Siberian Husky dog with papers, does it mean quality? Can a badly bred dog have papers?
Does Anyone Own a “Thunderhawk-Caucasian” Dog?
They’re one of the only ethical breeders in North America who breed purebred CO.
Central Asian Shepherd from US Breeders
Over the years I’ve found that Central Asian Shepherds have many wonderful qualities. With this dog you don’t have to worry about the safety and security of your home. They are self-confident, independent, and devoted to their family. When properly trained they are calm, balanced, and sensible. They respect others’ belongings and don’t spoil the […]