the_only_lol_king: How would a German Shepherd fair against a wolf? 1 vs 1 battle. I expect a wolf to win but I have heard of golden retrievers fighting a cougar to protect there owners and survive. So since German shepherds are stronger than retrievers how would they fair against a wolf? Photo Credit: 2Tales/Flickr Answers […]
Life With a German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent and most popular dog breeds in the world. Your life with this dog is usually full of interesting discoveries, funny and unusual situations, love, friendship, and partnership.
How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers?
Q: How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers? In the neighborhood I live in there is always a possibility of people trying to enter my home. I have a one year 9-month-old German Shepherd and want him to be more aggressive towards strangers. What do I do? Photo Credit: Lee Edwin Coursey/Flickr CC […]
What Should I Know Before Buying a German Shepherd Puppy?
What should I know before buying a German Shepherd puppy? What to look for when buying a GSD?
How Much should a full-blooded German Shepherd Puppy Cost?
How much should a full blooded German Shepherd puppy cost? What’s the usual price?
A Gripping WWII Dog Story Book
During WWII twenty million people were killed in Russia. Hitler’s order in dealing with the Russians was: “Scruples of any sort are a crime against the German people.” Both the human and animal populations suffered starvation and death. Is it any wonder the Soviets had such hatred for the invading Germans and all things German? […]
How to make a German Shepherd Happy in an Apartment?
Will a German Shepherd be happy in my apartment? It is fairly big and there’s room for the dog to play with kids.
How do i get my German shepherd to not becoming afraid of strangers?
Bryce t c: German shepherd has started to become afraid of strangers how do i fix it? My new german shepherd i got about 2 weeks ago has just turned 6 months old. He is of good breed his father is a k9 unit from Czechia (Eastern Europe), and he started out as the confident, curious […]