My Miniature Pinscher is 3 months old. Can I still crop and dock my miniature pinscher’s ears and tail?
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How can I get my yellow Labrador to stop shedding so much?
Q: How can I get my dog to stop shedding so much? I have a yellow lab, he’s almost a year old and he sheds like crazy! There’s hair everywhere. I give him baths, which I figure would help but I can’t bathe him everyday. Is there any way to stop the shedding without spending […]
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Ancient Guard Dog Breed Revival
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A Gripping WWII Dog Story Book
During WWII twenty million people were killed in Russia. Hitler’s order in dealing with the Russians was: “Scruples of any sort are a crime against the German people.” Both the human and animal populations suffered starvation and death. Is it any wonder the Soviets had such hatred for the invading Germans and all things German? […]