Lately, quite a number of high-quality dog movies entered the screen introducing new movie dog stars. Filmmakers know for sure that having a funny and active dog in a film will help much to make it popular and probably top the box office hit charts as One Hundred and One Dalmatians did. For dog lovers, […]
Dogs and People
Dogs in the world of people, dog shows, dog fights, celebrities, and their dogs.
Why is Pitbull fighting illegal?
Q: Pitbull Fighting vs. Bear Hunting? I’m asking this question on behalf of someone else. In terms of killing animals unjustly, why is pitbull fighting illegal, and the killing of wild game such as bears legal? Why is turkey hunting legal, but bird fighting illegal? Photo Credit: kellinahandbasket/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by tillhora […]
What is better an inside or an outside dog?
Capt. Jack Sparrow: Outside dog or inside dog? Out of all the dogs you have seen which turn out to be the best dogs? This is a question for someone with experience, not someone who is an anti inside or outside dog person… I have seen MANY dogs and out of all the dogs I […]
Australian Laws on Owning a Rottweiler
Australia is known as one of the countries that have dog breeds specific legislation (BSL), i.e. the laws pertaining to specific dog breeds. The Australian laws have absolutely forbidden the import of Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese tosa, American Pit Bull Terrier (Pit Bull Terrier), and Perro de Presa Canario (Presa Canario) into the country. […]
Rescue Dogs Stories
Rescued dogs help owners to get through a difficult time, to welcome baby home, and sometimes become therapy dogs.
Stop Dog Fighting!
Dog Fighting in the U.S. It is estimated that more than 100,000 people in the United States fight dogs. Despite the animal advocates’ efforts to stop dogfighting this bloody “sport” is reported in many regions of the country. Some time ago the underground dogfighting activity came into the spotlight because of Michael Vick’s case. This […]
Big Heart Dog Memorial
When a raging bull-mastiff cross-breed attacked a 10-year-old girl in a quiet Serbian town, Leo, a small dachshund, fearlessly jumped to her rescue, barking and biting at the dog way above his size and strength. Leo paid with his life, but the citizens of Pancevo have not forgotten him. At the end of July, a […]
World Dog Show 2015 Results
World Dog Show 2015, the most prestigious dog show worldwide, has taken place in Milan, Italy, on June 11-14. Almost 30,000 dogs of 340 recognized breeds were exhibited on the rings of Fiera Milano pavilions under the attentive eyes of 200 international judges. A number of excellent dogs, representing 10 main Russian dog breeds, were […]