How can I find out if my German Shepard puppy is a purebred? His parents had papers but he does not.
Dogs and People
Dogs in the world of people, dog shows, dog fights, celebrities, and their dogs.
My Serendipitous Little Business
I found something life-changing out of something quite scary – a homemade dog food little business.
Why do Firehouses Like to Use Dalmatian dogs?
Why do firehouses have Dalmatians? Do they have some uncanny sense to detect fire? When did it all begin?
The Russian Dog Wizard
The Russian Dog Wizard Vladae Roytapel practices his legendary canine training techniques in the U.S.
Needy Saint Bernard Pup Won't Let His Owner Move
Sully the Saint Bernard dog really loves his dad! He pins him down and gives him a hug after returning home.
Your Enemy Is Your Dog's Enemy
Dogs dislike people who are mean to their owners and will reject a treat offered by those who have snubbed their master, new Japanese research says. The study to be published later this month in the science journal Animal Behavior reveals that dogs have the ability to cooperate socially. This very important trait is found […]
Why are Puppy Mills Still Legal?
Why are puppy mills legal? When you buy a dog from a pet store you usually support puppy mills.
Top 10 Designer Dogs Video
Cockapoo, Pomsky, Chorkie – these “designer dog breeds” are getting popular. Why do people breed and own them?