My female foster pit bull is toy aggressive and guards toys against my two other dogs. I removed toys.
Dog Training
Articles, useful tips, questions, and answers on how to train your puppy and dog the best and most effective way.
Can my Puppy Hold Bladder for 8 Hours?
How long can a puppy hold it their pee? Can my puppy hold bladder for 8 hours like 12 am to 8 am?
How to Stop a Cocker Spaniel from Peeing In House?
How can you stop a Cocker Spaniel from peeing in house when they get excited?
Treadmill and Illegal Training of a Pit Bull Terrier?
Is the use of a treadmill to walk my Pit Bull puppy illegal? I was told it is training Pit Bull for fighting!
Are Puppy Pads Good or Bad to Train your Puppy?
Puppy pads good or bad? Are puppy pads a good idea to train your puppy, or are they bad?
How Can I Make My Labrador More Protective?
How can I make my Labrador more protective and aggressive to strangers?
What should I do if My Dog Bit Another Dog?
My dog bolted out, went after another dog, and bit the dog on the neck. I am so afraid to lose her!
How to Show my Dog That I'm the "Alpha"?
Sometimes my dog will just not listen. What to do to correct my dog and show him I’m the boss?