Tuff B: How cold of weather can a field hunting english setter be in? I live in north dakota and it can get below -20 during the day in winter and i was wondering if it would still be able to go for walks and play outside. What about a German Shepard also, can it […]
Dog Questions and Answers
Free handy dog questions and answers for dog owners on various problems concerning their favorite dog breeds.
What are some pros and cons of owning a poodle dog?
Winter: What are the pros and cons of owning a poodle? Pros and cons? Which size poodle do you think is best, and why? Also, can they be left at home for 5-6 hours 5 days a week? Photo Credit: kennethkonica/Flickr Answers and Views: Answer by BYBs and Crazies rule DS They are incredibly intelligent […]
Where to find a pure bloodline of pit bulls that weren't used for fighting?
Zak: Where can I find a clean bloodline of pit bull puppies that werent used for fighting? I’m a pit bull lover. I want to find a clean line of puppies that were bred only for the sake of pets. Not fighting. I do not want to have to get rid of my puppy because […]
What should I know about Newfoundland dogs?
Q: Newfoundlands? I’ve been researching this breed and I just have a few questions: How much do they usually drool? I’ve heard that some breeders have lines that have smaller muzzles and I wonder if these are less prone to drooling. I’ve read that they are protective of their family, which is great to me, […]
What kind of dog personality does best for agility?
Max: What kind of personality does best for dog agility? If I want a dog for dog agility, should I look for one that is laid back? Very outgoing? Somewhere in between? Photo Credit: Daisyree Bakker/Flickr CC Answers and Views:: Answer by Camile get one thats athletic Answer by Larinda Try to look for a […]
Is the Kuvasz dog really the best guard breed?
Adam Juhasz: Is the Kuvasz really the best guard dog breed? Photo Credit: Robert F Gabriel/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by I love my Doberman Pinscher! Any dog can be trained to be a ferocious guard dog. They really don’t look it though. I imaged searched it, and there are tons of pictures with […]
What is a small dog breed resembling a Briard?
Detroit Dog Groomer: Looking for information on a small dog resembling a Briard? I’m a dog groomer. Today I groomed a dog that looked like a small Briard. This dog was not more than 15 lbs full grown and looked exactly like a Briard. I was told by the lady that owns him that he […]
Is it normal for my male dog to always want sex with my female dog?
Sonia: Is it normal for my male dog to always want to have sex with my female dog, is this normal behavior? And what can I do to keep him off her, he will be spayed soon. I guess what I really want to know is if this is normal behavior in dogs or is […]