How much does it cost to get a Doberman’s ears cropped? And how long does it take for them to heal?
Dog Questions and Answers
Free handy dog questions and answers for dog owners on various problems concerning their favorite dog breeds.
What is a Good Companion for a German Shepherd dog?
Virgil: What is a good companion dog for a German Shepherd? We have a two-year-old female German Shepherd (Luna) who is very sociable and loves to play with other dogs. However, we cannot get another dog as large as Luna is because of the considerable damage that she has done to our home already. What […]
How Much Will my Chihuahua Weigh?
I have a 4-month-old Chihuahua. How big she will get? How much will my Chihuahua weigh?
Do They Make Crates for Great Danes?
Q: Do they make dog crates for Great Danes? Does anyone know of a website where they have dog crates for Great Danes? I am getting one in about a week and want to crate train her but in a couple months she won’t be able to move in the crates I am finding. Photo […]
Are Weimaraners Aggressive Toward Other Pets?
Are Weimaraners aggressive toward other pets – cats and dogs? I already have a German Shepard and a cat.
What if we have a Stubborn Brittany Spaniel?
We have a Brittany Spaniel. It is the most stubborn thing, is that normal?
How to Recognize and Break Up a Dog Fight
Most of the time dog fights end with no damage but breaking up a real dog fight can be dangerous.
Will my German Shepherd mix have floppy ears?
sabrunette: Will my German Shepherd mix puppy continue to have floppy ears instead of pointing them up? My German Shepherd puppy is not full-blooded but very close, looks exactly like the standard to every detail, other than the fact she has floppy ears. She is only 4 months & I am praying they stay down […]