What would a Maremma and Labrador mix be like? Is Maremma Labrador cross a good dog to have?
Dog Questions and Answers
Free handy dog questions and answers for dog owners on various problems concerning their favorite dog breeds.
Puppy Growing Too Fast (Australian Shepherd)?
The vet said that my puppy was growing too fast and that I should switch to large breed puppy food.
Can a Badly Bred Siberian Husky have Registration Papers?
A Siberian Husky dog with papers, does it mean quality? Can a badly bred dog have papers?
How to Feed a Labrador Pup with Pedigree?
I have a Labrador puppy 2-month-old, and I need instructions on feeding him Pedigree dog food.
What should I do if My Dog Bit Another Dog?
My dog bolted out, went after another dog, and bit the dog on the neck. I am so afraid to lose her!
How to Show my Dog That I'm the "Alpha"?
Sometimes my dog will just not listen. What to do to correct my dog and show him I’m the boss?
Do Bullmastiff dogs Drool a Lot?
Do Bullmastiff dogs drool a lot? I was thinking of getting a Bullmastiff but I’m afraid they really drool a lot.
Is Newfoundland or Great Dane a more People-Oriented Dog?
Q: Newfoundland or Great Dane? I want a dog that will follow me around. Do Newfoundland dogs just sleep all day and night or do they actually move? That’s not the reason why I want a dog. I have two, but my Jack Russell just ignores me all day lol, unless I have food or […]