The best Pet insurance provider for you and your pet will depend on your individual needs and preferences.
Dog Care
Articles, useful tips, questions, and answers on how to maintain your dog's health and to keep your pet happy.
8 Natural and Effective Home Remedies for Itchy Dog Skin
Discover eight natural remedies to deal with skin problems, including using hemp oil for dogs’ itchy skin.
Bringing a Pet Fish into a Home with Dogs
Five important things to keep in mind before bringing home a pet fish if you have dogs.
What is the Best Age to Neuter a Male Boxer Dog?
What is the best age to have a male boxer neutered? My male boxer puppy is 6 months old.
Why is my English Mastiff Drinking a Lot of Water?
If your English Mastiff has been drinking a lot of water recently, it can be a sign of underlying health issues.
How to Pick the Best Diet for Your Dog
Stores have shelves filled with kibble, raw, freeze-dried, and canned dog food. Which one is good for your dog?
Taking Care of a Growing Irish Wolfhound Puppy
If you’re considering getting an Irish Wolfhound, you should know that you’re in for a “big” commitment.
How to Deal with Skin Problems in a Newfoundland dog?
How do you deal with skin problems in a Newfoundland? Our Newf has dry and scabby skin.