Capt. Jack Sparrow: Outside dog or inside dog? Out of all the dogs you have seen which turn out to be the best dogs? This is a question for someone with experience, not someone who is an anti inside or outside dog person… I have seen MANY dogs and out of all the dogs I […]
Dog Care
Articles, useful tips, questions, and answers on how to maintain your dog's health and to keep your pet happy.
What is the best dog for a border collie to get along with?
Elke from Germany: What is the best dog a border collie would get along with? I have a 4 month old border collie male and we were thinking about getting another dog but we dont want to get another border collie. we have a big property so it cant be a really small dog. whats […]
Summertime Pet Care Tips
Summer is one of the most enjoyable seasons to spend with your pet, but seasonal changes in your pet’s routine and environment can necessitate a little extra TLC. To keep pets happy and healthy this summer season, follow these ten tips from the American Heartworm Society. 1. Step up your pet’s exercise program. If you live […]
Can a 9 year old pekingese dog survive a 16 hours flight?
Sunny: Can a 9 year old [human years] pekingese dog survive a flight to China about 16 hours? I really want my baby dog to come here im 14 and i have all my heart with him. I moved to China and I am really curious if he can just survive the air plane flight. […]
How to help dog depression after other dog died?
nickname: dog depression after other dog died? We have a family friend who just lost their 15 y/o amstaff to cancer. They have another 13 y/o amstaff and I was wondering if it might help if we let our dogs hang out with their dog. They’ve all been around each other before, our dogs are […]
Should I use a puppy kindergarten?
Ely: what is puppy kindergarten? Is it expensive? Photo Credit: AMagill/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by EbbieDog Do IT! :D “The first stage in providing education for the life of your dog is the Puppy Kindy Course. This four week course will cover a number of puppy pertinent topics including: •the continued socialisation of […]
Can a rottweiler and a chihuahua puppies grow together?
juda: a rottweiler and chihuahua puppy? ok my boyfriend really wants a Rottweiler puppy and i really want a long haired chihuahua puppy. We really want to get both, but i wasn’t sure how well they would interact. The Chihuahua will be indoor and the rottweiler outdoor. I thought maybe getting them both as puppies […]
Are there professional dog grooming courses?
hayley m: Dog Grooming courses? I want to get qualified in dog grooming so i can eventually work self employed in this career i need to work full time while i train, is there any where that dies intensive courses and are open university courses worth doing as i would have no practical experience? Photo […]