What is the best dry food for my 3-year-old Shih Tzu? I’ve tried some but she got sick and underweight.
Dog Care
Articles, useful tips, questions, and answers on how to maintain your dog's health and to keep your pet happy.
Who is to Blame for a Dog Fight if my Dog is on a Leash?
If my dog is on a leash and my dog bites an unleashed dog, would it be my fault?
Why Caucasian Ovcharkas have their Ears Cropped Short?
Why do Caucasian Ovcharkas have their ears cropped short? Is it because they fight wolves?
Bloat (GDV) in Dogs – Beware This Deadly Disease!
Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) or simply “Bloat” in dogs. It’s one of the most dangerous diseases.
Can a German Shepherd dog Live Outside in the Backyard?
Can a German Shepherd live in the backyard? My mother is afraid of dogs so it has to stay outside.
How should I get my Shih Tzu Hair Cut?
My Shih Tzu puppy needs a haircut. Shall I ask for the “puppy cut” or “teddy bear cut”?
What Pet Insurance Covers Pre-Existing Conditions?
Is there a Pet insurance Company that covers pre-existing conditions? One of my dog’s teeth is rotting out.
How Do You Know when a St. Bernard dog is Pregnant?
We have had a male and female St. Bernard together. How do I know if the female is pregnant?