Can a Pit Bull and Chihuahua mix be possible? I think my Chihuahua male got to my female Pit Bull in heat.
Dog Breeding Questions & Answers
Breeding dogs starts with knowledge. A responsible breeder should know canine genetics, health problems, and behavior. Some dogs have certain inheritable characteristics that can develop into a disability or disease.
How to get my German Shepherd and Jack Russell to Mate?
How do I get my German Shepherd and Jack Russell to mate? I want a Geman Shepherd/Jack Russel mix.
How Old does a Husky have to be to Breed?
When is the best age to breed a Siberian Husky first time?
How to Make my Pitbull Gain Weight and Muscle?
I have a 1/2-year-old Pitbull, and he only weighs 50 pounds. How can I get my Pitbull gain weight and muscle?
How to Care for a Pregnant German Shepherd dog?
How do I care for a pregnant German Shepherd? What can I do to make sure she has the best delivery possible.
How Old Should Chihuahua Be Before Spayed?
How old should my Chihuahua be to get her spayed/neutered? She is 6 months old and weighs 2 pounds.
How Long does it take to Wean a Dachshund Puppy?
How long does it take to wean a Dachshund puppy? Is one month enough for it to be weaned?
Can a Chihuahua become Too Old to Give Birth?
Can a Chihuahua be too old to give birth for the first time? My 12 yr old girl connected with a Dachshund.