Borzoi, the Russian wolfhound, is the most aristocratic Russian dog breed.
Big Russian Dogs
Large Russian dogs from heavy built Russian shepherds - Ovcharka guard dogs - to elegant Borzoi.
Caucasian Shepherd, the Amazing Russian Bear Dog
Caucasian Shepherd (Russian Bear dog) is dominant and dangerous but it can become a good family member.
Russian Guard Dogs Parade (video)
The video shows five best Russian guard dogs, presented at Moscow international dog show.
Black Russian Terrier, the "KGB Dog"
Black Russian Terrier, often called Stalin’s or KGB dog, was created after WWII for Russian police and army.
East-European Shepherd (Russian German Shepherd)
East-European Shepherd is a larger Russian version of the German Shepherd Dog that suits the Russian climate.
Russian Mastiff - the Biggest Bear Hunting Dog?
Russian Mastiff is an old Russian dog breed that was used for hunting bears.
Yakutian Laika – A New Ancient Dog Breed
Yakutian Laika (Yakut Laika) is an ancient Siberian dog breed used for sledding, hunting, reindeer herding.
Central Asian Shepherd, the Alabai
Central Asian Shepherd, Alabai, is a very protective and strong guard dog. It is one of the oldest Molossers.