Sully the Saint Bernard dog really loves his dad! He pins him down and gives him a hug after returning home.
Selected Dog Videos
Satin Balls Recipe to Fatten Up a Dog
The video provides you with a satin meat balls recipe to fatten up a dog from a holistic pet professional.
Russian German Shepherd Training Video
East European Shepherd (Russian German Shepherd) is an intelligent Russian guard dog. They like to be trained.
German Shepherd Growth Video
German Shepherd puppy growth up video of Saber – one of the internet German Shepherd dog stars.
Stubborn Dog Doesn’t Let Girl Owner Exercise
This German Shepherd demands extra attention. When his owner gets on the floor, he places his head on her.
German Shepherd and Crow Play Fetch Together
This video shows a friendship of a German Shepherd dog and a crow. They play fetch together with a ball.
Giant Newfoundland Thinks He Is Still Small
Boss, the massive Newfoundland loves to give hugs and kisses to his family but doesn’t realize how big he is.
Clever Dog Knows How to Spell Her Name
The adorable and clever dog Penny knows how to spell her name because she has a gift!