My bulldog is very smelly. We bathe him but he smells for a few days or a week. How can the good smell last?
How to Get Rid of German Shepherd Dog Odor?
Our two-year-old German Shepherd smells really bad. What can we do to get rid of our dog’s odor?
We Clean our Bulldog's Wrinkles but the Smell Remains!
How to get rid of the smell in Bulldog’s wrinkles? We are cleaning them but the smell will not go away.
How to Get Rid of my Shar Pei's Rash and Bad Smell?
My Shar-Pei has itchy skin and bites it till it bleeds, her skin smells very bad. Could it be some infection?
Why does my Yorkie always Smell After Being Outside?
My Yorkie always smells after being outside, even shortly. I was wondering if I need a special shampoo.
Do Basset Hounds Smell Really Bad?
Do Basset Hounds smell really bad? I want a Basset Hound but my parents say they smell like a horse.
How to get my Basset Hound to not Smell that Bad?
Our Basset Hound puppy is wonderful except that he smells. Is there a remedy for bad odor?
Нow to Eliminate Dog-Like Odor in a Siberian Husky?
I have a Siberian Husky and he smells very dog-like, how do I eliminate this very bad odor? Recommendations.