I want a medium-sized running dog that doesn’t shed. My family is allergic to shedding.
Difference Between a Leonberger and a Bernese Mountain Dog?
I want one of these dogs that will shed less. Which would be ‘lower’ maintenance?
What is a Friendly and Non-Shedding Guard Dog Breed?
Whats a friendly guard dog that doesn’t shed? I want a non-shedding dog, and my dad wants a guard dog.
How Much does a Miniature Pinscher dog Shed?
How much does a Miniature Pinscher shed? I want a min pin but I can’t have it if it sheds too much.
How to Get a short hair Dalmatian to Stop Shedding?
How can I get a short hair Dalmatian dog to stop shedding? My Dalmatian’s shedding is horrible.
How Can I Stop my Cane Corso Dog from Shedding?
Q: How can I stop my dog from shedding? She’s a year and a half old Cane Corso, and I find myself sweeping up after her every day. I brush and bathe her and it only makes it worse. I feed her really good, natural food and add olive oil to it; doesn’t help. She […]
How do I Supplement my Dog's Diet to Control Shedding?
My dog sheds a lot, her hair is coarse and thick. Can I supplement her diet to keep her from shedding?
How can I get my Black Labrador to Stop Shedding so much?
My Black Labrador takes pills, eats eggs, is brushed and groomed. How can I get him to stop shedding so much?