Can you train a Saint Bernard for hunting, and what can they hunt for as of big or small game.
Saint Bernard
Difference between Moscow Watchdog and Saint Bernard?
Moscow Watchdog vs Saint Bernard. What is the difference between these two dog breeds?
Are St. Bernard dogs Good with Kids?
We would really like to get a St. Bernard but we have an 18-month-old baby. Are St. Bernards good with kids?
What Should I Name my Male Saint Bernard dog?
What are some good names for Saint Bernard? I need a unique male St Bernard name for my puppy.
What are the Pros and Cons of Having a Saint Bernard?
What are the pros and cons of having a Saint Bernard from a puppy to an adult?
How Do You Know when a St. Bernard dog is Pregnant?
We have had a male and female St. Bernard together. How do I know if the female is pregnant?
What can I Give my Skinny St Bernard to Gain Weight Fast?
My St Bernard had worms and now she is very skinny. How can I fatten her up to normal St Bernard weight?