Lil Bit: what is the best thing to use to build muscle tone on a pitbull puppy? i have a 4 month old blue nose pitbull puppy. i want to add muscle tone to her. how do i do that? or what is the best thing to use to add to her food? Photo Credit: […]
How can I make a chihuahua puppy go poo?
Jackie Jessa C: How to make a chihuahua puppy go poo? I have this 4-week old chihuahua puppy, and it does not go poo. It only went poo 1 time. I don’t know how to make it go poo. Can someone give me some Advice? Photo Credit: apdk/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by Kerrie When […]
What type of shots do puppies need?
RHONDA: what do puppies need for shots? what type of shots do puppies need Answers and Views: Answer by OwlwomanYour vet can tell you this – you pay the vet to know this. Parvo is one that is a killer – a long, slow, painful death. Distemper is another. Do it now. Answer by Belgian […]
Should I use a puppy kindergarten?
Ely: what is puppy kindergarten? Is it expensive? Photo Credit: AMagill/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by EbbieDog Do IT! :D “The first stage in providing education for the life of your dog is the Puppy Kindy Course. This four week course will cover a number of puppy pertinent topics including: •the continued socialisation of […]
Can a rottweiler and a chihuahua puppies grow together?
juda: a rottweiler and chihuahua puppy? ok my boyfriend really wants a Rottweiler puppy and i really want a long haired chihuahua puppy. We really want to get both, but i wasn’t sure how well they would interact. The Chihuahua will be indoor and the rottweiler outdoor. I thought maybe getting them both as puppies […]
How do you train a demanding deerhound puppy?
Oli: Our puppy is making my family miserable? I regret to say this but our deerhound puupy is making my family incredibly miserable and my parents are considering taking him back. We have another dog too, she’s very well behaved, but feels quite stressed and upset by this puppy. This is due to him biting […]
Our New Caucasian Mountain Dog puppy?
Taralyn H: Our New Caucasian Pup….? Well I happened to stumble onto a website and found a breed I was interested in. The breed is a Caucasian Mountain Dog. I wasn’t really looking for a pet at the time,but, hey I found myself looking for a puppy. After 3 weeks of search a found a […]