I want to get a Great Dane and I wonder how much they cost. Great Dane puppies price.
puppies for sale
Why are Puppy Mills Still Legal?
Why are puppy mills legal? When you buy a dog from a pet store you usually support puppy mills.
Can a Badly Bred Siberian Husky have Registration Papers?
A Siberian Husky dog with papers, does it mean quality? Can a badly bred dog have papers?
How Much to Sell my Boxer Puppies for? (Usual Boxer Price)
How much should I sell my Boxer puppies for? What’s their usual price?
Does Anyone Own a “Thunderhawk-Caucasian” Dog?
They’re one of the only ethical breeders in North America who breed purebred CO.
Is a Crossbreed between Golden Retriever and Labrador good?
Someone offered me a crossbreed between a Labrador and a Golden Retriever. Is it ok?
What Papers Do I Get from a Russian Dog Kennel?
What papers does a Russian kennel provide when you buy a Caucasian Mountain dog puppy from them?
Puppies as Christmas Presents -Yes or No?
Things to Consider About Giving a Puppy as a Christmas Gift Before you give a puppy to someone as a gift this Christmas, consider the following: The Humane Society; the American Kennel Club; behavior experts; PETA; Animal Rights Activists; rescue groups; vets; training instructors; and most reputable breeders agree that it is definitely not a […]