How do you deal with skin problems in a Newfoundland? Our Newf has dry and scabby skin.
What is the Size of a Newfoundland dog Monthly?
What is the size of a Newfoundland monthly? At each month, how big would it be? And what weight also?
Is it Safe to Run Alot With My Newfoundland Dog?
I have a three-year-old Newfoundland male. I run around 3 miles a day. Can running hurt his joints?
Are we Giving Enough Food to our 1-Year-Old Newfoundland?
What is a good Newfoundland puppy food? We give our 1-year-old a big cup twice a day. Is that enough?
Giant Newfoundland Thinks He Is Still Small
Boss, the massive Newfoundland loves to give hugs and kisses to his family but doesn’t realize how big he is.
Is Newfoundland or Great Dane a more People-Oriented Dog?
Q: Newfoundland or Great Dane? I want a dog that will follow me around. Do Newfoundland dogs just sleep all day and night or do they actually move? That’s not the reason why I want a dog. I have two, but my Jack Russell just ignores me all day lol, unless I have food or […]
Is it Safe to Have a Newfoundland Dog With a Baby?
Is it safe to have a 75 lb Newfoundland dog in the house with a baby? My Son’s wife is expecting, so I fear.
What are good and bad qualities of Newfoundland dogs?
Q: Newfoundlands qualities ? Anyone have any experience with them? Are they good dogs? good and bad qualities? Photo Credit: Justin·Doles/Flickr Answers and Views: Answer by mups mom they drool, have a lot of coat upkeep and are generally not good as a house pet….great farm dogs tho Answer by Vet Tech I do!!! I […]